= minutes of the 2018-09-18 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest == participants === voting members # Devecseri Tamás, student representative # Marcel den Dikken, core member # G. Kiss Zoltán, core member # Kollár Veronika, student representative # Lázár A. Péter, core member # Newson, Mark, core member # Starčević Attila, core member # Szécsényi Krisztina, core member # Szigetvári Péter, core member, chair # Törkenczy Miklós, core member === non-voting members # Garai Luca, teaching assistant # Hanzséros Mária, departmental secretary # Jambrik Levente, teaching assistant # Lévai Klára, teaching assistant == agenda # Lajos Marosán has excused himself. # The teaching assistants and the student representatives briefly introduce themselves. # Mark Newson expresses concerns about MA courses being filled up by students without the adequate background. This can probably be avoided by making the requirements clear in a quiz in the first class. # Students of linguistics in the MA programme must complete 18 courses during 4 terms. The department agrees that this goal can better be achieved if we launch “double”, 4-hour-per-week courses. # Marianna Hordós’s position can hopefully be filled in by the beginning of the next term. The department agrees that her successor should be specializing in phonology. # Marianna Hordós’s successor as student research (OTDK) advisor is Zoltán G. Kiss. # The department agrees that we should apply for the grant offered by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Krisztina Szécsényi agrees to organize the compilation of the application. //minutes kept by// Péter Szigetvári \\ //verified by// Péter A. Lázár Budapest, 2018-09-18