Table of Contents

minutes of the 2014-02-18 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest


voting members

  1. Hordós Marianna, core member
  2. Kiss Zoltán, core member
  3. Lázár A. Péter, core member
  4. Marosán Lajos, core member
  5. Nádasdy Ádám, core member
  6. Newson, Mark, core member
  7. Starčević Attila, core member
  8. Szigetvári Péter, core member, chair
  9. Törkenczy Miklós, core member

non-voting members


  1. Szigetvári welcomes the department in the new term.
  2. A phonology and a syntax group had to be cancelled, the students in these groups have joined other groups. The teaching loads of their teachers remains above the limit. This lack of interest comes as a surprise after the unsatisfiable demand of the autumn term. The department has to take steps to have a more balanced distribution of students taking seminar courses in the autumn and spring terms.
  3. As of this term, the department launches introduction to linguistics courses on a regular basis for students of the new teacher’s programme. This means a more balanced course load each term, but also a course where students are not totally new to linguistics, having already taken the foundations of phonology and the foundations of syntax courses.
  4. The department has received a single BA thesis in the autumn term. There have been 12 BA and 2 MA thesis announcements in the last term.
  5. The Faculty has not done well in uploading publications data to and transferring them to, as of now, the accreditation of the doctoral schools would not be possible. This will have to be dealt with by the beginning of the summer vacation.
  6. The School is experiencing an unusually large change in staff: two new heads of department will soon take office, the director of the School will also change, and three secretaries are leaving/have left.
  7. The department unanimously votes for changing the time of BuPhoC and doctoral seminars from Wednesday 5pm to Tuesday 2pm as of next September.
  8. Nádasdy delivers Florina Szabó’s message that due to her situation she resigns from her teaching assistantship. We wish her success in her future carreer.
  9. In January Őri and Tatár have applied for a grant for organizing a student conference. No news of the results yet. Ildikó Szabó and Tünde Szalay are organizing a set of TDK gathering to help students participate in next year’s conference. The meetings will be on Thursdays at 5:30pm.

minutes kept by Péter Szigetvári

Budapest, 2014-02-18