Table of Contents

minutes of the 2019-03-12 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest


voting members

  1. Devecseri Tamás, student representative
  2. Marcel den Dikken, core member
  3. G. Kiss Zoltán, core member
  4. Lázár A. Péter, core member
  5. Marosán Lajos, core member
  6. Newson, Mark, core member
  7. Starčević Attila, core member
  8. Szécsényi Krisztina, core member
  9. Szigetvári Péter, core member, chair
  10. Törkenczy Miklós, core member

non-voting members

  1. Hanzséros Mária, departmental secretary
  2. Jambrik Levente, teaching assistant


  1. Szigetvári welcomes the members of the Department.
  2. Members of the Department express their distress due to the recent staff reduction, which affects the Department by the loss of Lajos Marosán from June. This leaves the Department in a situation where obligatory courses cannot be handled unless a new position is created. The new member must be required to be ready to engage, among other things, in the history of English.
  3. Szigetvári’s second term as head expires in June. The two other eligible members of the Department’s command of Hungarian is not fully adequate for the post. Szigetvári agrees to apply for another term unless the members of the department object. They do not.
  4. Szigetvári asks members of the department to report any obstacles (conferences, nonprivate visits abroad) inhibiting them from taking part in the final examinations by the end of the month.

minutes kept by Péter Szigetvári
verified by Miklós Törkenczy

Budapest, 2019-03-12