~~NOCACHE~~ [[https://qter.elte.hu/Statikus.aspx/timeplan|{{ :icons8-timetable-64.png?50|term schedules}}]] [[calendar#today|{{ :icons8-google-calendar-64.png?50|SEAS calendar}}]] [[deadlines|{{ :icons8-sand-watch-64.png?50|deadlines}}]] = events, news, announcements ---- ; Wed 26 Jun : **16:00** SEAS End-of-Year Meeting, Outstanding Thesis/Teaching Practice Award Ceremony, and Bring-and-Share Party, R356 ; Fri 14 Jun : **09:00-17:00** [[https://deal.elte.hu/pages/conference/conference_2024.html|Contemporary Crossroads V: Studies in English Applied Linguistics]] conference ; Wed 12 Jun : **16:00** trade union and students' forum on the future of the University in B172 ; Tue 11 Jun : **17:00** [[https://www.facebook.com/events/804668298290126/|book launches]]: Barbara Papp, Kata Szlukovényi (Kossuth Klub, Múzeum utca 7) ; Wed 5 Jun : **17:00** [[https://www.elte.hu/content/a-latin-amerikai-szavazok-dontik-el-az-usa-sorsat.e.17674|Latino votes in the USA]] (discussion in Hungarian), R356 ; Mon 3 Jun : **14:00-16:00** [[https://www.elte.hu/content/az-elso-angol-grammatika-magyar-nyelven.e.17624|introducing the first English grammar in Hungarian]], A047 (Gombocz) ; Tue 21 May : **17:30** [[https://des.elte.hu/wip|Work-in-Progress, Postcards from Europe (with George Szirtes and Katalin Szlukovényi)]], R443 ; Mon 13 May : **15:30** [[http://seas.elte.hu/w/studies/programmes/specializations/call2024|info session on BA specializations]], R423{{ :seas-spring-festival-2024.jpg?direct&120}} : **17:00-19:00** Sixth SEAS International Spring Festival ; Thu 9 May : **17:00** British–Australian film club: Shaun of the Dead, R356 ; Mon 22 Apr–Mon 29 Apr : [[:research:posterweek:14|14th International Student Poster Presentation Conference]] ; Mon 22 Apr : **16:00** [[https://des.elte.hu/en/content/event-trevor-noah-s-comedic-resistance-to-racial-hatred-in-south-africa-and-the-usa.e.4946|Lili Zách, Trevor Noah's Comedic Resistance to Racial Hatred in South Africa and the USA]], an [[https://des.elte.hu/en/content/research-groups.t.38260|EASPop]] event ; Thu 18 Apr : **17:00** British–Australian film club: Riff Raff (Robert Carlyle), R356 ; Thu 21 Mar : **17:00** British–Australian film club: Under the Skin, R356 ; Tue 19 Mar : **10:00-12:00** Institute Council meeting ([[/about/minutes/2024-03-19|minutes]]) ; Wed 13 Mar : **17:15-20:00** [[events:2024:03:13|Ethnic and Migration Studies Research Group Film Club: Race (2016), R356]] : **18:00** [[https://www.btk.elte.hu/content/golyavari-estek-enmegvonas-es-nyelvbe-zartsag.e.6611|Enikő Bollobás, Énmegvonás és nyelvbe zártság (Gólyavári Esték)]] ; Fri 8 Mar : **19:00-20:10** [[https://www.elte.hu/content/harom-ir-korus-budapesten.e.17174|three choirs of Trinity College, Dublin]] in Aula Magna (Egyetem tér 1–3, 1st/2nd floor; free but [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qwT8xmHcJ3He-9yj8V7UXayXWZhe4yGYKMm1gAGJduM/edit|you must register]]) ; Tue 5 Mar : **17:30** [[events:2024:03:05|Work-in-Progress: Réka Mihálka (Zürich), Byte-Sized Characters: Teaching Literature with AI-Based Tools (online talk)]] ; Thu 29 Feb : **16:00** [[https://www.elte.hu/content/talk-to-me.e.17108|British–Australian film club, Talk To Me (2022)]] ; Wed 28 Feb : **17:15-20:00** [[events:2024:02:28|Ethnic and Migration Studies Research Group Film Club: Only the Brave (2006), R356]] ; Tue 13 Feb : **10:00-12:00** Institute Council meeting ([[/about/minutes/2024-02-13|minutes]]) [[events-old|earlier events, news, announcements]]