final examination topics: MA, American: American Studies Theories, Cultural Studies, Visual Culture

  1. Keywords of early American culture: covenant ideas of Puritanism, Antinomianism, religious dissent, evangelical democracy.
  2. Keywords of modern American culture: American exceptionalism, the myth of individualism, the feminine mystique.
  3. Reinterpreting the “sacred texts” of America (The Declaration of Independence, The Declaration of Sentiments; the speeches of Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, John Wannuaucon Quinney, Chief Red Jacket, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Woodrow Wilson, John F. Kennedy, etc.).
  4. Manifest destiny and manifest domesticity.
  5. The American dream.
  6. Class in American society.
  7. The intellectual history of women: Puritan subversion, separate spheres, women’s history, female relations in the 19th century, the gender of individualism.
  8. Paradigms and paradigm changes in American Studies.
  9. The “pictorial turn”
  10. Visual culture versus art history
  11. The social construction of the visual and the visual construction of the social in American culture
  12. Race, gender and visual representation (empowerment and disempowerment of vision)
  13. Elite/popular culture vs. mass culture theories
  14. Representation of race and gender in popular culture and mass media
  15. Major tropes, genres, and media in American popular culture (Frontier and the Western; romance and the romantic comedy; sitcoms: suburbs, family and domesticity; the fantastic and utopia/dystopia; social media, culture and identity construction; choose one for detailed analysis)