questions for topic 1

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  1. Which branch of phonetics is concerned with what speakers do in their mouths to produce a given speech sound?
    articulatory phonetics
  2. What are the two main properties of a consonant?
    its place and its manner of articulation
  3. Which is the most important active articulator?
    the tongue
  4. What is the place of articulation of [f]?
  5. What are the IPA symbols for the two velar plosives?
    [k] and [ɡ]
  6. There are two types of fricatives, what are they?
    sibilants (like [s], [z], [ʃ], [ʒ]) and nonsibilants (like [f], [v], [θ], [ð], [ç], or [x])
  7. What is the manner of articulation of a consonant that is most similar to vowels (i.e., there is no turbulence in their airflow)?
  8. What is the most common manner of articulation of nasal consonants?
    they are nasal stops
  9. The categories vowel/consonant and sonorant/obstruent cross-classify each other, however, one of the four categories is missing. Which one?
    obstruent vowels
  10. In which phonation type are the vocal folds widest apart?
    in aspiration
  11. Which is the most common airstream mechanism?
    pulmonic egressive
  12. What are velaric ingressive sounds commonly called?
  13. Mention some secondary articulation types.
    labialization, palatalization, velarization, pharyngealization

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