
  1. 2025-02-11 things to know about the course; the articles in English (and Hungarian), the irrelevance of spelling, language chaning and varying, complementary distribution
  2. 2025-02-18 do homophones have to be spelled differently?; some difficulties with identifying minimal pairs; environment, distribution, complementary and overlapping distribution, phonemes and allophones, [l] and [ɫ] in English and Russian, the status of [ŋ] in English and Hungarian, morphemes and allomorphs
  3. 2025-02-25 morphs, morphemes and allomorphs, free and bound morphs; stems and affixes, prefixes and suffixes; lexemes and syntactic words; paradigms; defective paradigms; suppletion
  4. 2025-03-04 inflection vs derivation; affixes vs clitics [reading on clitics], [reading on paradigms (in Hungarian)], producing new words: affixation, compounding, blending, clipping, backformation, acronyms and initialisms
  5. 2025-03-11 [test 1]
  6. 2025-03-18
  7. 2025-03-25 cancelled
  8. 2025-04-01
  9. 2025-04-08
  10. 2025-04-15 [test 2]
  11. 2025-04-22 spring break
  12. 2025-04-29
  13. 2025-05-06
  14. 2025-05-13 [test 3]