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This collection of “snippets” is a present for Ádám Nádasdy on his 70th birthday. It is an anthology of various items produced by all sorts of people who were lucky to have got to know him at various parts of his career. We refer to it as a webschrift, since it does not have a printed version, some of these contributions could not even be published in a traditional book format. The interested visitor will find not only more and less serious scholarly papers here, but also short stories, poems (in Hungarian, English, and in Middle English, even machine-created ones), translations (of Dante, Shakespeare, and Nádasdy), memories, photos, drawings, paintings, charts, even songs performed specifically for this occasion. The patchwork shown on the entry pageThere is also a traditional contents page for conscious visitors. If you want to refer to a paper of this volume, use these bibliographical data. tries to represent the renaissance personality of the celebratee: the teacher, the linguist, the poet, the singer, the translator, the friend.

The editor wishes to thank Péter Siptár and Miklós Törkenczy, as well as all the authors of the collection for their contributions and help in compiling this webschrift.

Péter Szigetvári
Budapest, 15 February 2017