- 2025-02-12 generalities about the course; the short stressed vowels of English (i e a o ə u) and their spelling; the put–strut split, want words, love words
- 2025-02-19 some minor letter-to-sound correspondences (many, pretty, wolf, bury, busy); the diphthongs (ij ej aj oj əw uw aw), the spelling of diphthongs; digraphs
- 2025-02-26 “nondigraphs”; rhotic and nonrhotic accents of English, compensatory lengthening, the (first) nurse merger; the long vowel counterparts of short vowels, the long vowel counterparts of (some) diphthongs
- 2025-03-05 the development of the system of long vowels, mergers (north–force, cure–force, cure–nurse) and a split (cure–poor); the distribution of vowels, a phonological categorization: checked, R, and free vowels; the vowels that occur in unstressed position (i ə u ij əw uw)
- 2025-03-12 [test 1]
- 2025-03-19
- 2025-03-26 cancelled
- 2025-04-02
- 2025-04-09
- 2025-04-16 spring break
- 2025-04-23 [test 2]
- 2025-04-30
- 2025-05-07
- 2025-05-14 [test 3]
last touched 2025-03-05 16:09:36 UTC