The History and Culture of Feminism in the United States (A feminizmus története és kultúrája az Egyesült Államokban) in autumn 2023
Farima, Marina, Tue 15:30–17:00, R433, host: DAS (R306)
5-credit seminar, 30 h/term
description & set texts
The course will provide an introduction to the history and culture of feminist movements in the U.S. from the nineteenth century to the present. It will offer knowledge about the issues and concepts of feminism, with a specific emphasis on the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality. Moreover, the course will introduce essential analytical tools for discussing these matters within distinct cultural and social contexts. A wide array of materials will be examined, encompassing literary texts, theoretical texts, advertisements, music videos, songs, as well as TV series and films.
requirements & assessment
Attendance and participation 25%, group presentation 25%, individual assignment 25%, final project 25%