American Culture in Film (Az amerikai kultúra megjelenítése filmekben) in autumn 2022
Baus, Jeffrey, Thu 14:00–15:30, R432, host: DAS (R306)
5-credit seminar, 30 h/term
description & set texts
American Culture in Film. This course explores how American movies have reflected and influenced American culture from the post-WWII era to the present. The selected films highlight themes such as social injustice, racial and ethnic conflict, politics and the media, the economy, immigration, alienation, feminism, generation gaps, technology, the American Dream, romantic relationships, and postmodern dread. Students will learn how to analyze films for their cultural content and recognise the characteristics which make them uniquely American.
requirements & assessment
Students will be required to write brief analysis essays after watching each film (at home), and there will be an end term test.