requirements & assessment
BBN-ANG-106: Language Practice (Groups c, m, n) Course Syllabus—2022 Spring Term
LEKTOR—Julian Salanki
Course Goals:
This course is intended to advance your general English proficiency. It will focus on expanding your vocabulary, refining your knowledge of grammar, and developing your speaking skills. It will also partly prepare you for the Language Proficiency exam in May 2022.
Course Description:
The course book we use is Advanced Language Practice by Michael Vince (4th Edition). Make sure that you get a copy (softcopy is good, too) of the book. This book is an important resource for grammar and vocabulary practice as a some of units from the book will be covered during class. Other materials will be used in the sessions to supplement the course book, as well as being assigned as homework: these will be uploaded onto SEAS, the students then print them off. These may be readings, worksheets, YouTube videos, etc. Classes will be mainly explicit, teacher-led but also with interactive periods when students work together to tackle some of the language tasks. Come to class prepared to participate in activities and discussion.
Other materials: We will also study some rather advanced-level articles that have been adapted for you from the BBC website.
Regular class attendance is required throughout the term. You should NOT miss more than 4 classes. If you miss 5 classes or more, your participation score will suffer; and it is your responsibility to find out what you missed from a classmate and complete any necessary make-up work.
2 written tests—15% + 15% Speaking test (as end-of-term) 15% = 45%
Homework completion 30% Participation 25% = 55%
Grades: 2 = 42%-54% 3 = 55%-67% 4 = 68%-79% 5 = 80%+
Plagiarism policy
Any instance of plagiarism is grounds for a fail on the given assignment and failing the course as well. Please find further details at
Anti-discrimination statement:
The staff of the Department of English Language Pedagogy are fully committed both to promoting freedom of expression and to respecting the rights and dignity of all people regardless of their ethnic or socio-cultural background, gender, religion, beliefs or sexual orientation. As we consider diversity beneficial, and respectful communication essential, we expect the same commitment from our students in their discourse and behaviour (accepted on 21 February 2011).