requirements & assessment
BBN-ANG-204/2 (Groups b and g): Content-Based — Tuesdays
2022 Spring Term Julian Salanki
Content-based theme:
The analysis and evaluation of the aesthetical and philosophical content in well-crafted song lyrics.
Course Goals: Language analysis and presentational skills development. The goal of this course is to develop your knowledge of colourful, figurative language, creative expression and a higher intellect found in a selection of well-crafted lyrics. It is intended to help you identify, analyse and evaluate the aesthetics and philosophy in the chosen lyrics and such literature. In addition, it will give you the opportunity to research, analyse, evaluate, and present lyrics of your own choice. Presentational skills and public speaking will also feature.
Course Description: This course will cover a number of cleverly-worded songs made by a now-retired Canadian group called Rush. These songs will be analysed and evaluated thoroughly in class. In turn, this will set examples that you will use to re-produce your own similar analyses, etc. Class sessions will include activities which require active participation.
Course Requirements:
Regular attendance is expected (maximum 2 absences allowed, please join our sessions on time as participation is one of the requirements, or risk losing marks). There will be homework assigned to be completed before or after class, such as readings. For each assignment, specific instructions will be given to help prepare you for the lesson on that topic. Please print off the attachments sent to you if you can, or simply download them – they will be uploaded onto SEAS Materials. The more you prepare at home, the better our time will be together in class! Always feel free to bring your questions or suggestions for future course topics.
Homework: there will be 2 homework assignments during the first two months of the course, and each will be graded out of ten. Deadlines will be given, and you must submit your work on time. Delays will result in points deducted.
Homework 20% Participation: 20% Assignment: Student-orientated lyrics + analysis: 60% = 100%
Grades: 80+ = 5 68%-79% = 4 55%-67% = 3 43%-54% = 2
Plagiarism policy
Any instance of plagiarism is grounds for getting a fail mark on the given assignment and failing the course as well. Please find further details at
Anti-discrimination statement:
The staff of the Department of English Language Pedagogy are fully committed both to promoting freedom of expression and to respecting the rights and dignity of all people regardless of their ethnic or socio-cultural background, gender, religion, beliefs or sexual orientation. As we consider diversity beneficial, and respectful communication essential, we expect the same commitment from our students in their discourse and behaviour. (Accepted on 21 February 2011)
**Syllabus subject to change throughout the semester**