Introduction to Applied Linguistics (Bevezetés az alkalmazott nyelvészetbe) in autumn 2018
Toptsi, Jamil, Thu 08:30–10:00, R451, host: DEAL (R306)
3-credit seminar, 30 h/term; strong prereq: BBN-ANG-241
description & set texts
This course will introduce students to a variety of topics relevant in the field of Applied Linguistics. Readings will be assigned which highlight these topics, and classroom discussions and tasks will be used to facilitate deeper understanding of the material. Topics will include pragmatics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, individual differences in language learners, discourse analysis, and language testing.
requirements & assessment
  1. Regular attendance (maximum of three absences allowed)
  2. Active participation with class discussions and engagement with the material
  3. Completion of assignments and tasks
  1. Classroom participation: 20%
  2. Student presentation: 20%
  3. Homework assignments: 20%
  4. End of term test: 40%