Academic Skills 1 (Tudományos íráskészség 1) in autumn 2023
Toptsi, Jamil, Thu 13:45–15:15, R431, host: DEAL (R306)
3-credit seminar, 30 h/term
description & set texts
The course focuses on developing English academic reading and writing skills necessary for success during university studies. Through a series of in-class and home assignments, students will practice to read with a clear purpose in mind and effectively process (i.e., understand globally and in detail, question and evaluate) the content of various short academic texts; develop their reading techniques; purposefully extract, summarise and paraphrase ideas from readings; and to write well-formed and appropriate short academic English texts based on their readings. The course is meant to provide the foundations necessary to progress from writing one extended paragraph long, source-based academic texts to longer, multi-paragraph academic texts, and therefore it is a pre-requisite for the Academic Skills 2 (Tudományos íráskészség 2) course offered in the spring semester. The Academic Skills courses are prerequisites for the BA Language Proficiency Examination (ANG11-001 Nyelvi alapvizsga angol nyelvből).
requirements & assessment
Assessment: Based on the requirements, which can be further specified by the course tutors. The course finishes with an Academic Skills test (for a detailed description of the test see and the course grade is calculated so that the coursework constitutes 60% whereas the Academic Skills test constitutes 40% of the final grade. Course book: Tankó, Gy. (2013). Paraphrasing, summarising and synthesising skills for academic writers: Theory and practice. Budapest: Eötvös University Press.