Academic Skills 1 (Tudományos íráskészség 1) in autumn 2023
Belduma Renteria, Nury Estefania, Thu 15:30–17:00, R315/a, host: DEAL (R306)
3-credit seminar, 30 h/term
description & set texts
Aim: The course focuses on developing English academic reading strategies and skills; guided summary writing; note taking; indirect quotation techniques; composing short source-based academic texts through process writing; and the basic use of the American Psychological Association (APA) documentation system necessary for success during university studies. Content: As part of the coursework, students will practice reading with a clear purpose in mind and perfect the effective processing (i.e., understand, question and evaluate) of the content of various short academic texts (research articles or book chapters), for example, by means of questions. They will improve their reading behaviours; purposefully extract, summarise, and paraphrase ideas from academic texts; write well-formed and stylistically appropriate source-based, short academic English texts; and will complete various smaller assignments. Compulsory readings: Tankó, Gy. (2019). Paraphrasing, summarising and synthesising skills for academic writers: Theory and practice (2nd rev. ed.). Eötvös Kiadó. Tankó, Gy. (2012). Professional writing: The academic context (2nd rev. ed.). Eötvös Kiadó.
requirements & assessment
Assessment: Prepare for and attend classes regularly; participate actively; complete all the assignments; prepare drafts and do revision work; evaluate other students' drafts and give useful feedback; keep a folder for the assignments and hand-outs; keep deadlines. Assessment is based on the requirements, including a centrally administered test, and can be further specified by the course tutor.