Academic Skills 2 (Tudományos íráskészség 2) in spring 2019
Toptsi, Jamil,
Mon 08:30–10:00,
host: DEAL (R306)
3-credit seminar, 30 h/term;
strong prereq: ANG11-104E
description & set texts
PREREQUISITES: BBN-ANG11-104. DESCRIPTION: The course focuses on developing English academic reading and writing, note taking, the use of direct quotation and indirect quotation (paraphrase and summary), synthesising, and the use of a documentation system (viz., APA) necessary for success during university studies. As part of the coursework, students will practice to read with a clear purpose in mind and effectively process (i.e., understand, question and evaluate) the content of various academic texts (research articles or book chapters); give a formal presentation about an academic text; improve their reading techniques; purposefully extract, summarise, paraphrase, and synthesise ideas from academic texts; write a well-formed and stylistically appropriate source-based, multi-paragraph English argumentative academic essay (viz., a short critical literature review), and complete various smaller assignments. The Academic Skills courses are prerequisites for the BA Language Proficiency Examination (ANG11-001 Nyelvi alapvizsga angol nyelvből).
requirements & assessment
Prepare for and attend classes regularly; participate actively; complete all the assignments; prepare drafts and do revision work; evaluate other students' drafts and give meaningful feedback; keep a folder for the assignments and hand-outs; keep deadlines. Assessment is based on the requirements, which can be further specified by the course tutors.