Presentation skills (Prezentációs készségek) in spring 2020
Toptsi, Jamil, Mon 08:30–10:00, R422, host: DEAL (R306)
2-credit seminar, 30 h/term; strong prereq: OT-ANG-391*
description & set texts
Whether at a university seminar or in your future career, giving presentations is an activity required in many fields of our lives. This course aims to provide the necessary knowledge and improve the participants' skills in planning, structuring, and delivering successful presentations. Through brainstorming, learning the academic background, familiarizing with useful tools, active participation and hands-on experience, the course offers opportunities for gaining confidence and developing the necessary skills you need for giving memorable academic or professional presentations.
requirements & assessment
Regular attendance (max. three absences allowed), active participation in activities (in-class assignments, brainstorming, peer- and group evaluation, presentation practices), completion of home assignments, a final presentation in a topic related to the participants' university studies or provisional thesis topic area (e.g. in the field of applied linguistics, foreign language teaching, or foreign language learning).