Phonetics and Phonology for Language Teachers (Fonetika és fonológia nyelvtanároknak) in spring 2022
Toptsi, Jamil, Wed 15:30–17:00, R438, host: DEAL (R306)
2-credit seminar, 30 h/term; strong prereq: OT-ANG17 MZV
description & set texts
The main aim of this practical course is to concentrate on the phonetics and phonology of the English language. Course participants will be provided with a large array of pronunciation practice activities. The course covers different areas such as the description of speech, teaching pronunciation, vowels, consonants, word and sentence stress, intonation, other aspects of connected speech, pronunciation and spelling. The students will be required to teach pronunciation to their peers in class and to successfully pass the end-of-course test.

Kelly, G. (2002). How to teach pronunciation. Harlow: Longman, Pearson Education Limited. Hewings, M. (2007). English pronunciation in use: Self-study and classroom use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

requirements & assessment
  1. Regular attendance (you are only allowed to miss class 3 times; university policy)
  2. Lead a peer teaching session on a pronunciation feature (alone or with a partner)
  3. Completing weekly task sheets and activities