
Andrea Timár

associate professor, core member of the Department of English Studies

timar•andrea ¤ btk•elte•hu, http://https://elte.academia.edu/AndreaTimar, more...

Habilitation (100%)
PhD (summa cum laude)
MAs in English and French

Co-editor of Helikon Irodalom- és Kultúratudományi Szemle Co-editor and review editor of The AnaChronist, member of BARS, ESSE, HUSSE, The Friends of Coleridge

Head of Modern English and American Literature and Culture Doctoral Program (MODA)
Maternity leaves:
1. 2014-15.
2. 2018.
2019-20: CEU Institute for Advanced Study (Dehumanisation: the Figure of the Perpetrator)
2005 Sept. -2006 Apr.:
Royal Holloway, University of London
2003 Spring; 2004-2005: KULeuven, Belgium

Hungarian: native, English: proficient, French: proficient

BBN–ANG–114 Literary and Cultural Studies: Contemporary Approaches - Seminar (autumn 2023)
BBN–ANG–225.t Cultural Theories of Addiction (autumn 2023)
BBN–ANG21–213 English literature from the Restoration until 1890 (autumn 2023)
BMA–ANGD17–A1 Literary Theory (autumn 2023)
BMA–ANGD17–CI10a.02 DEHUMANIZATION: from Arendt to Agamben (spring 2023)
BBN–ANG17–218 Cultural Theories of Addiction (autumn 2022)
BMA–ANGD17–CI12a.06 Academic essay writing – literary studies (autumn 2022)
BMA–ANGD17–CI10a.03 21st Century Critical Theory (spring 2022)
BBN–ANG17–112 Introduction to literature (autumn 2021)
BBN–ANG17–213 English literature from the Restoration until 1890 (autumn 2021)
BMA–ANGD17–CI10a Human – Inhuman – Posthuman (autumn 2020)
BBN–ANG17–312.94 How to Write a Good Essay? (spring 2019)
BMA–ANGD–CK6.189 S.T. Coleridge (autumn 2017)
BBN–ANG–213 English Literature from the Restoration until 1890 (autumn 2017)
BBN–ANG–214 English Literature from the Restoration until 1890 (spring 2017)
BBN–ANG–216 English Literature from 1890 until the 1960s (spring 2017)
BBN–ANG–218 S.T.Coleridge (spring 2017)
BBN–ANG–312.94 How to Write a Good Essay? (spring 2017)
BMA–ANGD–A1 Literary Theory: The Theory of English and American Literature (spring 2017)
BMA–ANGD–CI10.06 Theories of Addiction (spring 2014)
BBN–ANG–219 Reading Romantic Poetry (autumn 2013)
BMA–ANGD–CI6.189 S.T. Coleridge (spring 2013)
BMA–ANGD–CI10.235 Theories of Addiction (Philosophy, Culture, Literature) (autumn 2012)
BBN–ANG–312.235 Cultural Memory Project at the English Department: Digital Resources (spring 2012)
BMA–ANGD–CI10.110 Major Texts in Literary and Critical Theory (spring 2011)
BBN–ANG–312.232 Literary Theory (spring 2010)
ANN–312.235 Theories of Addiction (autumn 2009)
BBN–ANG–312.32 Literary Theory I. (autumn 2009)
BBN–ANG–312.05 Early 19th century British culture through the writings of S.T. Coleridge (spring 2008)
ANN–312.111 Literary theory (autumn 2007)
ANN–312.171 Romanticism and Contemporary Criticism (autumn 2007)
BBN–ANG–112 Introduction to literature (autumn 2007)
ANN–312.131 Trends in theory: orientation in contemporary literary critisism (spring 2007)
ANN–212 English Poetry Seminar (spring 2004)
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publications (see MTMT)