ELTE SEAS thesis submission, step 1

The deadline for submitting your thesis is midnight of the day set as a deadline by the Registrar.

Before proceeding, please make sure that the electronic version of your thesis satisfies the criteria described at http://seas.elte.hu/w/studies/graduation/thesis/upload.

If you make a mistake during the submission procedure, you can restart it. In the new submission you can change anything (including the file you upload), except your neptune code, so make sure you do not get that wrong. If you get your Neptune code wrong, start again from scratch and please write a message reporting your error to help@seas.elte.hu.

give your name as registered by the University
(use only the following charcters: A..Z, Á, Ä, É, Í, Ó, Ö, Ő, Ú, Ü, Ű, a..z, á, ä, é, í, ó, ö, ő, ú, ü, ű, -, and space)

family name(s)  given name(s) 

give your Neptun code (6 characters), studies level, and email address

Neptun code  (take care, you can't change your Neptun code later!)
email address @
(give an address that you regularly use)

give this number with digits


SEAS thesis submission form #1