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analysis [2022-04-19 23:06] – created [2022-04-30 16:49] (current) – created Péter Szigetvári
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-= BBN-ANG-243 Phonological analysis +~~GOTO>analysis/start?0~~
- +
-  ; time & place +
-  : Wed 12:00–13:30, D126 +
-  ; type, value +
-  : lecture, 3 credits +
-  ; frequency +
-  : lectures and exams both in autumn and spring terms +
-  ; host & instructors +
-  : [[http://seas.elte.hu/w/!delg|DELG]], G. Kiss Zoltán, Starčević Attila, Szigetvári Péter, Törkenczy Miklós  +
-  ; attendance +
-  : obligatory and warmly recommended, but not checked +
-assessment +
-    written preliminary (mid-term) and end-term examination +
- +
analysis.1650402363.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-04-19 23:06 by