= minutes of the 2011-09-13 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest == participants === chair Szigetvári Péter === voting # Hordós Marianna, core member # Kiss Zoltán, core member # Lázár A. Péter, core member # Marosán Lajos, core member # Nádasdy Ádám, core member # Newson, Mark, core member # Starcevic Attila, core member # Szigetvári Péter, core member # Varga László, core member === non-voting * Benkő Ágnes, teaching assistant * Hanzséros Mária, department secretary * Kucsera Márton, teaching assistant * Lipécz Emese, teaching assistant == agenda # Szigetvári welcomes everybody in the new term. Törkenczy and Farkas have excused themselves. # There have been some changes in teaching staff: Szécsényi left ELTE completely, her position cannot be filled due to the current restrictions on employment. Kiss has been teaching and examinig full time since mid-March, yet, despite numerous promises, his contract has still not been signed by the Faculty authorities. The latest news promises 1 October as the official date of his employment. # The three new teaching assistants (Lipécz, Benkő, and Kucsera) introduce themselves, their achievements and plans to the department. # In absence of a better arrangement, the following reallocation of offices will take place in the near future: Szigetvári from R326 to R302, Lázár from R302 to R449, Farkas and Kniezsa from R302 to R326. # Most introduction to linguistics courses are filled to the brim. The places left are likely to be filled by foreign students turning up in the next days. Phonology and syntax seminars are also all full. There is a shortage of students in one specialization course (this may have to be officially cancelled). # The Dean warns us that applying for all possible grants available will become more and more indispensable. DELG is not directly involved in organizing any adult training programmes or the Faculty’s language school, but members of the department my find it worthy to participate in such programmes. DELG is organizing one of the three open university lecture series of SEAS, entitled “English in the world.” # Varga advertises the open slots for BuPhoC talks and encourages the colleagues to offer lectures. # Szigetvári notes that 9 and 10 November will be nonteaching days at SEAS. Teachers are asked to persuade the students of their courses to participate in the conference organized to celebrate the 125th anniversary of English studies at the University. # The Faculty is again collecting data on the departments’ foreign relations. The deadline for sending data to Szigetvári is 25 September. # Szigetvári suggests that the thesis evaluation form Kiss has compiled, or some modified version thereof, should be made obligatory for reviews by DELG members, and the reviews should be archived in a more standardized manner than they are now. //minutes kept by// Péter Szigetvári \\ //minutes checked by// Attila Starcevic Budapest, 2011-09-14