= minutes of the 2017-02-14 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest == participants === voting members # Marcel den Dikken, core member # G. Kiss Zoltán, core member # Hordós Marianna, core member # Lázár A. Péter, core member # Marosán Lajos, core member # Newson, Mark, core member # Starčević Attila, core member # Szécsényi Krisztina, core member # Szigetvári Péter, core member, chair # Törkenczy Miklós, core member === non-voting members # Barabás Gergő, teaching assistant # Jankó Katalin, teaching assistant # Nádasdy Ádám, external member # Nagy Laura, teaching assistant == agenda # Szigetvári welcomes the department in the new term. # Personal issues: Boglárka Csuka has terminated her teaching assistantship. Attila Starčević has taken up his job at the department. He will not be charged with administrative duties in this term. # The department has received a single BA thesis in December. Together with the decline of interest in MA courses, this does not project an agreeable future. # Several new intro courses had to be launched due to the increasing demand of the teacher’s programme. At the same time, two phonology groups and several MA courses had to be cancelled. # The new BA curriculum will include a history of English course (BBN–ANG–249) due to be first launched in autumn 2019. It will run in the autumn terms, while the now elective MA history course in the spring terms. All MA lectures will be 2 hours/week, elective seminars will be of both types, 2 and 4 hours/week. Students specializing in linguistics will have to complete at least 80% of their elective courses (not 100% as up to now) in linguistics. # Nádasdy wishes good luck to Barabás and Jankó, who participate in the poster day of 21 February. //minutes kept by// Péter Szigetvári \\ //verified by// Zoltán G Kiss Budapest, 2017-02-14