= minutes of the 2020-09-18 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest == participants === voting members # Burukina, Irina, core member # den Dikken, Marcel, core member # G. Kiss Zoltán, core member # Koczka Zsóka, student representative # Newson, Mark, core member # Starčević Attila, core member # Szigetvári Péter, core member, chair # Törkenczy Miklós, core member === non-voting members * Finta Klára, teaching assistant * Hanzséros Mária, departmental secretary * Kajtár Zsófia Anna, teaching assistant * Őri Péter, teaching assistant == agenda # The chair welcomes the Department at this first online meeting, especially the new student representative, Zsóka Koczka, and the two new teaching assistants, Klára Finta and Zsófia Kajtár, who briefly introduce themselves. Professor Nádasdy offers a privatissimum class for the teaching assistants. # Zoltán G. Kiss has recently been promoted to associate professorship. Congratulations! # Members of the Department report that their online courses have duly begun. Some students have problems with on-campus and remote courses following each other in quick succession. BA specialization courses are running in huge groups, but the instructors can cope. # Lecture materials are supposed to be uploaded week by week and are to be kept available until the last retake examination. # The heads of SEAS departments have agreed to enforce limits on simultaneous thesis supervisees (maximally six supervisees per supervisor). The effect of this decision on DELG is an expected increase of students seeking thesis supervision in linguistics. # Szigetvári notes that the original deadline for submitting papers to the Even Yearbook has passed, but any colleague close to finishing their paper is still welcome to do so. # Szigetvári asks members of the Department to fill in the COVID questionnaire of the University each week. In case one is not affected, this amounts to answering a single question. //minutes kept by// Péter Szigetvári \\ //verified by// Miklós Törkenczy Budapest, 2020-09-18