= minutes of the 2021-02-16 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest == participants === voting members # Burukina, Irina, core member # den Dikken, Marcel, core member # G. Kiss Zoltán, core member # Lázár A. Péter, core member # Nagy Emese, student representative # Newson, Mark, core member # Starčević Attila, core member # Szécsényi Krisztina, core member # Szigetvári Péter, core member, chair # Törkenczy Miklós, core member === non-voting members * Garai Luca, doctoral student * Hanzséros Mária, departmental secretary * Őri Péter, doctoral student * Torres-Kováč, Nathaniel, doctoral student == agenda # The chair welcomes the Department, especially the new student representative, Emese Nagy. # Szigetvári proposes to set up the current meeting link as a permanent meeting place at 2pm Tuesdays in the term in case members of the department would like to meet. # The papers submitted to //The Even Yearbook 14// are due to be published in March. The Department discusses the whereabouts of submissions and reviews. # Student numbers in intro, phono, and syntax courses are settled, some groups have taken more than 20 students. # There is very large demand for BA specialization courses, groups have between 20 and 30 students, but meagre demand for MA courses. # The Department does not yet experience the surge of thesis writers expected after other departments have limited the number of supervisees their members can take. //minutes kept by// Péter Szigetvári \\ //verified by// Krisztina Szécsényi Budapest, 2021-02-16