= minutes of the 2022-02-15 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest == participants === voting members # Burukina, Irina, core member # den Dikken, Marcel, core member # G. Kiss Zoltán, core member # Lázár A. Péter, core member # Newson, Mark, core member # Starčević Attila, core member # Szécsényi Krisztina, core member # Szigetvári Péter, core member, chair # Törkenczy Miklós, core member === non-voting members * Garai Luca, doctoral student * Gerber Dominika, teaching assistant * Hanzséros Mária, departmental secretary * Illés Éva, SEAS director of reasearch == agenda # The chair welcomes the participants and gives the floor to Éva Illés, who talks about the revision of the teacher training programmes. The new curriculum will lack the advanced elective linguistics course, the other currently available linguistics courses remain in the programme. # Garai asks if this move will endanger the linguistics courses of MA students. Szigetvári says that the School is trying to convince the Dean that the minimum quota for classes must hold not only for majors with few students but also for specialization tracks with few students. # With Lázár’s retirement this summer, the introduction to linguistics lecture course needs a new lecturer. Den Dikken offers to take over the post. # Starčević volunteers to be the departmental organizer of this year’s Stipendium admissions interviews. # Burukina suggests that the days courses are held could be distributed more evenly. This is probably best achieved if we all enter our planned course times in the delgCoursePlan. //minutes kept by// Péter Szigetvári \\ //verified by// Krisztina Szécsényi Budapest, 2022-02-16