Kövér Edvárd, Hunglish at a closer look:: The main phonological patterns of the Hungarian accent (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Zoltán G. Kiss)
Wutka Vencel László, The vowel system of American English (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Péter Őri)
Szabó-Erdélyi Zsófia, The English subjunctive (supervisor: Krisztina Szécsényi; referee: Attila Starcevic)
Páczelt Ádám Ferenc, Understanding Hunglish Accent in Light of the Phonological and Phonotactic Comparison of Hungarian and English: A Consonantal Analysis (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: Zoltán G. Kiss)
Járay Bianka, Lindelëa tengwelë — phonology and aesthetics in Tolkien’s invented languages (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Attila Starcevic)
Gerber Dominika Zsófia, Doublets in English of French origin (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Péter A. Lázár) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Szikora Luca Mária, Voicing assimilation in English and in voicing languages: A comparison of English and Hungarian (supervisor: G. Kiss Zoltán; referee: Törkenczy Miklós) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Szücs Virág Róza, Negation (supervisor: Newson Mark; referee: Burukina, Irina)
Somogyi Brigitta, The ‘l’ in English (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: G. Kiss Zoltán)
Halm Tamás András, Truncated clauses in English and in Hungarian: Virtual performatives in English — The outlines of a syntactic analysis (supervisor: Den Dikken, Marcel; referee: Szécsényi Krisztina) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Balogh Brúnó, Aspiration instead of a flap in dactylic words in the English language (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: G. Kiss Zoltán)
Árva Réka, Vocalic changes before /r/ in American English (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Sujbert Viktória Fanni, Glottalisation in English popular speech (supervisor: G. Kiss Zoltán; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Chen Yu, A comparison of tense in Chinese and in English (supervisor: den Dikken Marcel; referee: )
Kaposi Berta Eszter, Analyses of stops after /s/ in English (supervisor: G. Kiss Zoltán; referee: Törkenczy Mikló) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Telizhenko Vladyslav, The Distribution Of The R Sound In English Language (supervisor: Szigetvari Peter; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Pataki Petra Gabriella, Yod-dropping across English accents: What about the unstressed syllables? (supervisor: G. Kiss Zoltán; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Herendi Árpád, Spanish Loanwords in the English Language (supervisor: Starcevic, Attila; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Hegyi Flóra Anna, Comparing comparatives: Differences and similarities of comparative constructions in English and Hungarian (supervisor: Szécsényi Krisztina; referee: Marcel den Dikken) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Fu Shiyang, WH-question in Chinese and English: Similarities and differences (supervisor: Szécsényi Krisztina; referee: Marcel den Dikken)
Bagarus Ádám Renátó, There exists no one immaculate alphabetic phonetic transcription (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Tóth Boglárka Fanni, The Syntax of English News Headlines: A Truncation Approach (supervisor: den Dikken Marcel; referee: Szécsényi Krisztina) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Mich Teodóra, Theories of Distribution of Pronouns (supervisor: Dr. Newson Mark; referee: Hordós Marianna)
Alchukur Leila, Wh-movement in English and Arabic (supervisor: Szécsényi, Krisztina; referee: Mark Newson)
Thornton David, The Semantic Information Contained in Light Verbs (supervisor: Szecsenyi Krisztina; referee: Marcel den Dikken)
Chen Xi, Typical Chinese mistakes in the use of the English articles (supervisor: Hordós Marianna; referee: Mark Newson)
Grajzel Fanni, The Glottal Stop in the Popular Speech of British English (supervisor: G. Kiss Zoltán; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Papp Dóra, Intrusive /r/ and its role as a possible hiatus-filler consonant (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: G.Kiss Zoltán)
Hlavacska Darinka, The distribution of Linking-R and Intrusive-R in English dialects (supervisor: G. Kiss Zoltán; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Magyar Alexandra, The Early stages of language acquisition and the omission of the copula in child English (supervisor: Szécsényi Krisztina; referee: Marcel den Dikken)
Pfeifenrót Fanni Mária, The special status of initial /s/+C clusters (supervisor: Kis Zoltán; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Bajnay Berta Katalin, The etymology of English musical terms of French origin (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Lelner Zsófia, Prenominal possessors in English (supervisor: Hordós Marianna; referee: Szécsényi Krisztina)
Budai Szilvia, Accents in popular culture: Accent asymmetry (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Pribil Péter, Long-distance dependencies in lexical functional grammar (supervisor: Komlósy András; referee: Newson, Mark)
Nagy Laura, Do you understand what I am saying? - Accents of English: RP, GA, and the diphthongisation in Long Island (supervisor: Kis Zoltán; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Parall Richárd Benjámin, Compounds in English: Their characteristics, categories and boundaries (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Lagos Cortes Mátyás Bence, Complementisers in the English language: The distribution of the CP projection (supervisor: Newson Mark; referee: Marcel Den Dikken) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Nagy Zita, The phonological effects of liquids on surrounding sounds in Swedish and English (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Kósa László, The phonology of English compounds (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: G. Kiss Zoltán)
Jankó Katalin, Current changes in British English: as reflected in the transcription system (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: G. Kiss Zoltán)
Szegedi Márton, Post-verbal DPs in there-constructions (supervisor: Hordós Marianna; referee: Newson, Mark)
Romhányi Ármin, The NURSE-phenomenon (supervisor: G. Kiss Zoltán; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Huber Jaroslava, Fronting Phenomena in English Language (supervisor: Newson Mark; referee: Szécsényi Krisztina)
Ónodi Krisztián, English as a pro-drop language:: Syntactic approaches to subject omission in the diary register (supervisor: Hordós Marianna; referee: Den Dikken, Marcel)
Kocsis Szabolcs, Geminates in the English language (supervisor: -; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Töklincz Tamara, The description and analysis of the schwa vowel (supervisor: Kis Zoltán; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Szabó Ádám, Vowel Reduction in English and Russian (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: G. Kiss Zoltán)
Fónad Natália, The Neutrality of English Suffixes (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Menczer Izabella, Focus, definiteness and relative clauses in there-sentences (supervisor: Newson Mark; referee: Hordós Marianna) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Komlósi Réka, French Loanwords in English: The Pronunciation of Recently Adopted French Loanwords in English (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Németh Katalin Zsófia, The phonology of English loanwords in Italian (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: G. Kiss Zoltán)
Eredics Diána, The comparison of English and Hungarian phonemes through language jokes (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Kiss Veronika Tünde, The present state of “cure” lowering (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Tárczy Balázs László, A comparison of English and French multiple complement verb structures (supervisor: Hordós Marianna; referee: Marosán Lajos)
Gőcze Borbála, Stress assignment by affixes in English: Mixed suffixes (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: G. Kiss Zoltán)
Tóth Lilla, The English Negation: What the respondents say? (supervisor: Marosán Lajos; referee: Newson, Mark)
Riskó Gergely, Phonetic differences between early and late French loanwords, and the motivation behind them (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Kiss Naómi, The comparison of the transcription systems of standard British English: RP and SSBE (supervisor: Kiss Zoltán; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Simon Balázs, The glottal stop (supervisor: My supervisor’s name is not present on my thesis.; referee: Kiss Zoltán)
Bálint Helga, Compounds in English (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Marosán Lajos)
Dabóczy Katalin, The vocalic system of Scottish Standard English (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Sélley András, Yod-dropping and Yod-coalescence in British and American English (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Kiss Zoltán)
Farkas Dorina, Allophonic variation in the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary: Pre-lateral effects on tense vowels (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Réti Lőrinc, The linguistics of English puns (supervisor: Lázár A. Péter; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Nguyen Dang Nóra Lien, Emphatic do in Syntax First Alignment System (supervisor: Newson, Mark; referee: Hordós Marianna)
Jávorszky Ágnes Viktória, Syllable boundary and ambisyllabicity in some Germanic languages (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Gyarmati Ádám, The strange case of Schwa the Intruder and Schwa the Outcast: Schwa epenthesis and schwa elision in English and Dutch (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Starcevic Attila) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Zalánki Gábor, Birth of a phoneme (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Kiss Zoltán)
Budai Hajnal Andrea, Vowel mergers in some English accents: Mergers before R (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Szabó Petra Florina, Social and regional variation and intrusive /r/ (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Péter Evelin Erzsébet, Language specific access in phonological analysis (supervisor: Kiss Zoltán; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Hoffmann Bettina Tamara, What if you can’t lisp: substituting th (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Széll Zsófia, Analyzing /r/ in English: With a special focus on R-sandhi (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Kis Zoltán)
Bereczki Nelli, The role of stress in English and Hungarian: the phenomenon of stress ‘deafness’ (supervisor: G. Kiss Zoltán; referee: Varga László)
Szabó Ildikó Emese, Compensatory lengthening: Is there synchronic compensatory lengthening in English? (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Kiss Zoltán)
Pándi Julianna Sarolta, Flapping in American English: a theoretical approach: Intervocalic flapping of alveolar stops (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Pénzes Dóra, Ergativity in English and Spanish (supervisor: Hordós Marianna; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Mentes Júlia Virgínia, Variation in English phonology: Internal and external conditioning of phonological variation with particular focus on t,d-deletion (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: G.Kiss Zoltán)
Kiss Júlia, The behaviour of the palatal approximant in British and American English: processes of change (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Kiss Zoltán)
Szalay Tünde Orsolya, The changing distribution of the phoneme /r/ and its influence on the preceding vowels presented through late 18th and early 19th century pronunciation guides (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Dékány Norbert, Distribution of syllabic R in English and Serbian (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Stefanecz Szilvia, Various causes of ambiguity in the English language (supervisor: Hordós Marianna; referee: Varga László)
Kiss Gábor, Studies in English-Swedish Contrastive Phonetics: r-coloured vowels in English and Swedish (supervisor: Siptár Péter; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Létai Olga Zsuzsanna, Light verbs in the structure of English sentences (supervisor: Varga, László; referee: Marosán Lajos)
Kindert Kata Lívia, English native children’s difficulties in the acquisition of the passive voice (supervisor: Szécsényi Krisztina; referee: Newson, Mark)
Kucsera Márton, Participial constructions in English (supervisor: Hordós Marianna; referee: Newson, Mark) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Varga Laura, R-related rules in Received Pronunciation and Standard Scottish English (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Koroknay Márton László, Some typical mistakes made by Hungarians in the pronunciation of English vowels: Mistakes in the production of English long monophthongs (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Tomacsek Vivien, Approaches to the structure of English small clauses (supervisor: Hordós Marianna; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Schmidt Lili Sára, The use of the articles in English and Swedish (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Juric Igor, Distribution of the nasals in Serbian and English (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Frei Ágnes, Sentence structures in English and Danish: Constituent-order analysis from a topological point of view (supervisor: Marosán Lajos; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Vizvári Júlia, Hungarian mistakes in the pronunciation of English vowels (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Marton Boglárka, Phonological changes conditioned by syllabic position (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Poszuk Réka, The phenomenon of intrusive-R: A descriptive essay about the most peculiar phenomenon of the English language (supervisor: Kiss Zoltán; referee: Varga László)
Ocsenás Alica, A comparison of finite and non-finite clauses in English and in Hungarian (supervisor: Szécsényi Krisztina; referee: Hordós Marianna)
Manninger Mária, Typical Hungarian mistakes in the pronunciation of English vowels: Mispronunciations caused by the different vowel inventories and rules in the two languages (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: Szigetvári Péter) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Biczók Bálint, Az ACD-jelenségek lehetséges megközelítései (supervisor: Szécsényi Krisztina; referee: Varga László)
Oláh Nikoletta, Hungarian mistakes in English pronunciation: Hungarian yes/no questions on the basis of English intonation (supervisor: Kiss Zoltán; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Korda Gergely, Typical Hungarian mistakes in English pronunciation and their causes: The phonological aspect (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: Kiss Zoltán)
Vass Gabriella, Typical Hungarian mistakes in English pronunciation (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Fodor Brigitta, Scottish vowel length: Regular vowel length alternations and the raising of /ae/ in Scottish Standard English (supervisor: Siptár Péter; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Molvay Kinga, The treatment of tense in the representation of the English sentence (supervisor: Varga László; referee: Mark Newson)
Szakál Eszter, A comparative analysis of transcription systems for English (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Pálfy Antal, Typical mistakes made by Hungarians in English and their causes (supervisor: Szécsényi Krisztina; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Tési Áron, Old Norse influence on Old English phonology (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Pataky Éva, On the laryngeal contrast of English plosives (supervisor: Kiss Zoltán; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Görög Julianna, Typical Hungarian mistakes of English pronunciation and their causes (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Pock Orsolya, Sentence stress: contrast and emphasis (supervisor: Varga László; referee: Newson, Mark)
Kedves Nárcisz Ilona, Theta-role and case assignment in there-constructions (supervisor: Hordós Marianna; referee: Szécsényi Krisztina)
Linka Zsuzsanna Tünde, The glottal stop in English and Danish (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Rácz Emőke, A comparsion of the vowel inventories of various English accents: Pre-R breaking and Pre-R broadening (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Kovács Fruzsina, Typical Hungarian mistakes in English pronunciation: the ‘th’ sounds (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Benkő Ágnes, /r/ and pre-/r/ vowels in some English accents (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Szalay Anikó, The differences in the distribution of nasal sounds in English and Polish: A proposal for a consistent usage of IPA symbols for Polish nasal vowels (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Fábián Eszter Mária, Types and effects of negation in English and German (supervisor: Szécsényi Krisztina; referee: Marosán Lajos)
Varga Tibor, Flapping in American English (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Bosnyák Júlia, On the subject of English small clauses from the perspective of Generative grammar (supervisor: Szécsényi Krisztina; referee: Hordós Marianna)
Lipécz Emese Eszter, The English ditransitive construction in different theoretical frameworks (supervisor: Marosán Lajos; referee: Varga László) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Szombathy Péter, Glottal stop in various dialects of English (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Izsáki Tímea, Case assignment in English and German: A comparative and contrastive analysis (supervisor: Szécsényi Krisztina; referee: Hordós Marianna)
Böröndy Elza, The Wade-Giles phonological transcription of the Chinese language (supervisor: Bartos Huba; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Kánya Fruzsina, Comparing the phonologies of varieties of English: the behaviour of the palatal glide in accents of English (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Kiss Zoltán)
Papp Csilla, The advantages and disadvantages of English spelling (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Rung Ádám, Distribution of glides in Hungarian, English and Latin (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Seszták Sándor, Modern translations of Chaucer’s The Canterbury tales (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Farkas Judit)
Porpáczy Adrienn, Background to some typical Hungarian mistakes in English consonantal articulation (supervisor: Kiss Zoltán; referee: Starcevic Attila)