Jankó Katalin, Proleptic constructions in English and Hungarian (supervisor: Szécsényi Krisztina; referee: Marcel Den Dikken)
Khalil Mohamad Ali, On the morphosyntax of Lebanese Arabic: Form II, its manifestations and functions (supervisor: den Dikken Marcel; referee: Krisztina Szécsényi) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Kissel Thomas Edwin, Cycles of language change (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Irina Burukina)
Petrova Valeriia, Syntax of prenominal possessives in English and Russian (supervisor: Burukuna Irina; referee: Mark Newson)
Nagy József, The myths of English pronunciation among Hungarian learners (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Zoltán G. Kiss)
Jambrik Levente Áron, Syllable structure in West Germanic languages (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Törkenczy Miklós)
Garai Luca, Nasal flapping in American English (supervisor: Markó Alexandra; referee: G. Kiss Zoltán)
Gőcze Borbála, The historical phonology of English place names (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Starcevic Attila)
Turi Kamilla, Why do languages change?: The case of phrasal verbs (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Őri Péter, Aspiration vs. voicing (supervisor: Szigetvári Péter; referee: Törkenczy MikTós)
Tatár Csilla, A semantic analysis of English cataphoric constructions (supervisor: Mekis Péter; referee: Gyuris Beáta) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Szalay Tünde Orsolya, L Darkening in morpheme-final environments: all ‘ell breaking loose (supervisor: G. Kiss Zoltán; referee: Törkenczy Miklós) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Szabó Lilla Petronella, How does bling-bling ring? A corpus-based study of rhyming and alliterating compounds (supervisor: Benczes Réka; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Jánosy Márton, The treatment and analysis of vowel breaking in different phonological theories (supervisor: Starcevic Attila; referee: Szigetvári Péter)
Árki Milán, Proper Name Re-classification: When do proper names become common names? (supervisor: Marosán Lajos; referee: Lázár A. Péter)
Kucsera Márton, English restrictive relative clauses in Optimality Theory (supervisor: Hordós Marianna; referee: Newson, Mark) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Benkő Ágnes, The role of markedness in phonological theory (supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós; referee: Szigetvári Péter) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Szőke Johanna Éva, Clause linkage typology in English and Korean (supervisor: Marosán Lajos; referee: Mark Newson)
Káldi Tamás, A comparative analysis of the information structure of hungarian and english sentences (supervisor: Marosán Lajos; referee: Hordós Marianna) OUTSTANDING THESIS
Pock Orsolya, The status of edge tones in the intonational phrase (supervisor: Varga László; referee: Nádasdy Ádám)
Antal Zsófia, A semantic and pragmatic approach to the latest tendencies developed in the use of the Hungarian verbal prefix be- (supervisor: Lázár A. Péter; referee: Nádasy Ádám)
Agócs Tamás, Sound patterns of suffixes of French origin in English (supervisor: Nádasdy Ádám; referee: Szigetvári Péter)