Table of Contents

minutes of the 2010-11-30 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest



Törkenczy Miklós

voting members

  1. Hordós Marianna, core member
  2. Lázár A. Péter, core member
  3. Marosán Lajos, core member
  4. Nádasdy Ádám, core member
  5. Newson, Mark, core member
  6. Starcevic Attila, core member
  7. Szécsényi Krisztina, core member
  8. Szigetvári Péter, core member
  9. Törkenczy Miklós, core member
  10. Varga László, core member

non-voting members


  1. Törkenczy welcomes two of the three new teaching assistants, Biczók and Damokos, who have briefly talked about their plans and interests. Emese Schiller, who will also be a teaching assistant at the department this year, could not attend the meeting. Biczók and Damokos leave after their introduction.
  2. Törkenczy informs the department that a fourth application for teaching assistantship was endorsed by a departmental vote, accordingly, Flóra Lídia Orbán will also be with us this academic year.
  3. Szécsényi informs the department that as of next term she will keep only half of her position at the university, quitting totally in summer 2011. The department is planning to advertise her position in January.
  4. Törkenczy informs the department that Zoltán Kiss is planning to return in March 2011. Accordingly, his courses will be advertised for the spring term.
  5. The department plans the BA and MA courses to be advertised in the spring term. The department has agreed that BA seminar courses will be advertised with a uniform quota of 12, MA courses with a uniform quota of 9. If needed, the quotas will be raised during preregistration.

minutes kept by Szigetvári Péter
minutes checked by Törkenczy Miklós

Budapest, 2010-11-30