Table of Contents

minutes of the 2017-09-12 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest


voting members

  1. Marcel den Dikken, core member
  2. G. Kiss Zoltán, core member
  3. Marosán Lajos, core member
  4. Newson, Mark, core member
  5. Starčević Attila, core member
  6. Szécsényi Krisztina, core member
  7. Szigetvári Péter, core member, chair
  8. Törkenczy Miklós, core member

non-voting members

  1. Garai Luca, teaching assistant
  2. Jankó Katalin, teaching assistant
  3. Nádasdy Ádám, professor emeritus


  1. Szigetvári welcomes the department in the new term.
  2. Personal issues: Ádám Nádasdy was granted the title professor emeritus, which makes it possible that he stays with us. The Department have elected a new teaching assistant, Luca Garai, who introduces herself to those present.
  3. There is no teaching on 20 September, this appears to be regularly so from now on.
  4. Lázár has offered to launch a further introduction to linguistics group. The eleven groups all run with very high quotas this term. The policy with phonology and syntax courses is to only admit students in groups if they already have a credit in the other type of course. The Department cannot serve both these courses to the same student body in the same term.
  5. The Department is concerned with the small number of theses submitted on linguistic topics, and the fact that for the first time in the 20+ years of the Outstanding Thesis Award, no award was granted in linguistics. Nádasdy proposes that members of the Department apply direct marketing to attract students to write their theses in linguistics. The main forum for this should be the 2nd-year BA lectures.
  6. Three NYEKK talks have been announced for this term. NYEKK and HÖK a jointly organizing the Össznyelvész conference, which is to take place on Friday, 10 November. The conference aims to popularize linguistics among students of the University.

minutes kept by Péter Szigetvári
verified by Miklós Törkenczy

Budapest, 2017-09-12