Table of Contents

minutes of the 2021-02-16 meeting of the Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest


voting members

  1. Burukina, Irina, core member
  2. den Dikken, Marcel, core member
  3. G. Kiss Zoltán, core member
  4. Lázár A. Péter, core member
  5. Nagy Emese, student representative
  6. Newson, Mark, core member
  7. Starčević Attila, core member
  8. Szécsényi Krisztina, core member
  9. Szigetvári Péter, core member, chair
  10. Törkenczy Miklós, core member

non-voting members


  1. The chair welcomes the Department, especially the new student representative, Emese Nagy.
  2. Szigetvári proposes to set up the current meeting link as a permanent meeting place at 2pm Tuesdays in the term in case members of the department would like to meet.
  3. The papers submitted to The Even Yearbook 14 are due to be published in March. The Department discusses the whereabouts of submissions and reviews.
  4. Student numbers in intro, phono, and syntax courses are settled, some groups have taken more than 20 students.
  5. There is very large demand for BA specialization courses, groups have between 20 and 30 students, but meagre demand for MA courses.
  6. The Department does not yet experience the surge of thesis writers expected after other departments have limited the number of supervisees their members can take.

minutes kept by Péter Szigetvári
verified by Krisztina Szécsényi

Budapest, 2021-02-16