teaching assistantship at DELG

teaching assistantship at DELG

deadline: 23 June (2 months ago)

The Department of English Linguistics (ELTE) is offering three teaching assistantships from September 2024 to July 2025 to SEAS students who

  • are interested in linguistics, ie plan to write their thesis in linguistics, plan to present a linguistic paper at the next OTDK conference
  • have completed at least two terms of studies in linguistics at SEAS by September 2024
  • have had good marks in linguistic courses

Former teaching assistants of the department may apply again, but new applicants will be given preference all else being equal. (The Department reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of positions depending on the number of qualifying applicants.)

we expect teaching assistants to

  • be ready to give a talk at a session of NYEKK, this may be on the topic of their thesis or TDK paper
  • participate in administering and correcting written examinations of the department
  • participate in the life of the department: NYEKK, conference organization, student conference, and research seminars, meetings

we offer teaching assistants

  • a serious discussion of their thesis topic
  • a friendly company at the exam correcting sessions
  • free use of the department’s (meagre) facilities (printer, microwave oven, hot water dispenser)

how to apply


  • a statement that you qualify and apply for teaching assistantship and agree to the terms above
  • a list of your linguistic courses (code, title, teacher, term, mark)
  • a short (150–200-word) description of your planned thesis topic

by 23 June 2024, midnight. You should send your application electronically, in plain text format to gkiss.zoltan@btk.elte.hu. Applications are reviewed and assessed by all core members of the department. The results will be available within a week’s time.

ta-advert.txt · Last modified: 2024-05-14 19:01 by Péter Szigetvári
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