~~HIDEPAGE:search~~ = The Even Yearbook 5 (2002) == #47 ''volume:'' [[:2002|5 (2002)]] \\ ''pages:'' 95–116 \\ ''author:'' [[:Mark Newson]] \\ ''title:'' The coordination particle \\ ''abstract:'' This paper continues previous work by Newson & Gáspár (2001a, 2001b, 2002), which deals with ellipsis in coordinate expressions. The focus of the present paper is not however on ellipsis, but on questions concerning the form of coordination, elided or not, with particular emphasis on the distribution of the coordination particle (and, or, but etc.) across languages. \\       In section 2 I will briefly introduce the framework I will adopt (essentially that of Newson & Gáspár). I will then proceed to the analysis. The section on the analysis is divided into four subsections which concern my claims about the nature of the coordination particle, a review of the linguistic variation concerning this element, the actual analysis in terms of alignment constraints and finally a brief look at languages which do not always represent the coordination particle overtly. \\ ''PDF:'' [[this>_media/02ne.pdf|   full text]] \\ ''raw text:'' [[02ne-raw]] \\ ''refs:'' ++ ⟨BibTeX⟩ | \\ ''@article{even02ne, \\   author  = {Mark Newson}, \\   title   = {The coordination particle}, \\   year    = 2002, \\   journal = {The Even Yearbook}, \\   volume  = 5, \\   pages   = {95--116}, \\   url     = {http://seas.elte.hu/w/!even/02ne} \\ }''\\ ++ ++ ⟨RIS⟩ | \\ ''TY  - JOUR \\ AU  - Newson,Mark \\ PY  - 2002/​/​/ \\ TI  - The coordination particle \\ T2  - The Even Yearbook \\ VL  - 5 \\ SP  - 95 \\ EP  - 116 \\ UR  - http://seas.elte.hu/w/!even/02ne \\ ER  -''\\ ++ ++ ⟨txt⟩ | \\ '' Newson, Mark. 2002. The coordination particle. The Even Yearbook 5: 95–116. http://seas.elte.hu/w/!even/02ne'' ++