~~HIDEPAGE:search~~ = The Even Yearbook 6 (2004) == #60 ''volume:'' [[:2004|6 (2004)]] \\ ''pages:'' 149–166 \\ ''author:'' [[:Attila Starčević]] \\ ''title:'' Absolute phonological ungrammaticality in Croatian \\ ''abstract:'' In this article I intend to discuss the issue of ‘absolute phonological ungrammaticality’ (APU) in Croatian, i.e., when the result of a phonological rule yields a form that is ungrammatical. APU can be static and dynamic. Static APU involves cases of phonotactic constraints (e.g., in English words cannot begin with four consonants). In the case of dynamic APU, well-formed outputs to an otherwise general phonological rule are missing: this results in a lacuna or ‘empty slot’ in a language (this is termed overt ungrammaticality), or alternatively the empty slot may be remedied/filled in some way or other (for example, by applying a rule that is more restricted in its scope). This is known as ‘covert’ APU. I investigate covert APU in Croatian in view of empty vocalic slots, government, etc. vis-à-vis the genitive plural suffix //-a.// \\ ''PDF:'' [[this>_media/04st.pdf|   full text]] \\ ''raw text:'' [[04st-raw]] \\ ''refs:'' ++ ⟨BibTeX⟩ | \\ ''@article{even04st, \\   author  = {Attila Starčević}, \\   title   = {Absolute phonological ungrammaticality in {C}roatian}, \\   year    = 2004, \\   journal = {The Even Yearbook}, \\   volume  = 6, \\   pages   = {149--166}, \\   url     = {http://seas.elte.hu/w/!even/04st} \\ }''\\ ++ ++ ⟨RIS⟩ | \\ ''TY  - JOUR \\ AU  - Starčević,Attila \\ PY  - 2004/​/​/ \\ TI  - Absolute phonological ungrammaticality in Croatian \\ T2  - The Even Yearbook \\ VL  - 6 \\ SP  - 149 \\ EP  - 166 \\ UR  - http://seas.elte.hu/w/!even/04st \\ ER  -''\\ ++ ++ ⟨txt⟩ | \\ '' Starčević, Attila. 2004. Absolute phonological ungrammaticality in Croatian. The Even Yearbook 6: 149–166. http://seas.elte.hu/w/!even/04st'' ++