~~HIDEPAGE:search~~ = The Even Yearbook == papers by László Varga **[[1994|1994]]** Rhythmic stress alternation in Hungarian **[[94va|⟨#13⟩]]** **[[1996|2 (1996)]]** Hungarian intonation contours **[[96va|⟨#20⟩]]** **[[1998|3 (1998)]]** The Intonational Phrase and Secondary Intonational Phrase Formation in Hungarian **[[98va|⟨#31⟩]]** **[[2000|4 (2000)]]** Approaches to Rhythmical Variation in English **[[00va|⟨#39⟩]]** **[[2004|6 (2004)]]** Once more on the melodic segmentation of Hungarian utterances **[[04va|⟨#63⟩]]** **[[2010|9 (2010)]]** Boundary tones and the lack of intermediate phrase in Hungarian (Revisiting the Hungarian Calling Contour) **[[10va|⟨#85⟩]]** **[[2014|11 (2014)]]** The falling-rising intonation in English: Its subtypes, functions, and representations **[[14va|⟨#96⟩]]**