The Even Yearbook 6 (2004)

editorial note

The Even Yearbook 6 (2004) is the 6th in the series of biennial volumes that we have published in every even-numbered year since 1994. With its especially rich content this volume marks the 10th anniversary of the first appearance of The Even Yearbook. It contains papers by both staff and doctoral students at the Department of English Linguistics of Eötvös Loránd University.

Six of the papers are devoted to phonology: Katalin Balogné Bérces (PhD student) writes on connected speech phenomena in Strict CV phonology, Csaba Csides (PhD student) on strict directionality, Dániel Huber (PhD student) sets up a typology of velar processes, Zoltán Kiss (temporary lecturer) proposes a phonetically grounded approach to phonotactic issues, Attila Starčević (assistant lecturer/​PhD student) examines absolute phonological ungrammaticality in Croatian, and Péter Szigetvári (senior lecturer) deals with the question of branching vs. non-branching. Seven papers are concerned with syntax or with topics that have syntactic relevance. Balázs Surányi (assistant lecturer) argues for a new analysis of head movement, Réka Benczes (PhD student) examines exocentric compounds, Gergely Bottyán (PhD student) conditionals, Miklós Gáspár (PhD student) and Mark Newson (associate professor) extend optimality theory to syntactic issues, Lajos Marosán (senior lecturer) compares approaches to the functions of sentence constituents, László Varga (professor) deals with questions of the syntax–prosody interface. Two papers belong to language history: Tamás Eitler (PhD student) deals with late Middle English syntactic variation and László Kristó (PhD student) with the theoretical questions of linguistic reconstruction.

Our thanks are due to Huba Bartos, Veronika Kniezsa, Lajos Marosán, Mark Newson, Péter Siptár, Miklós Törkenczy and László Varga, for reading and refereeing the papers, to Zoltán Kiss, who has done the technical editing and computer printing of the volume, and to the Doctoral School in Linguistics of Eötvös Loránd University for financially supporting the printing of this volume.

April 2004