The Even Yearbook 14 (2020)


volume: 14 (2020)
pages: 1–16
author: Marcel den Dikken and Teresa O’Neill
title: Clausal parataxis — and how!
keywords: ‘how’-questions, agreement, parataxis, asyndeton, locative inversion
abstract: This paper presents an outlook on the syntax of Luhya sentences in which the equivalents of ‘how’ and ‘thus’ show subject agreement marking on the adverbial element. While prima facie unusual, we argue that this agreement pattern requires no modification of any standard assumptions regarding the Agree relation. The adverbial is treated as a predicate of a separate clause, linked paratactically to the main clause, with a silent pronoun coindexed with the subject of the main clause. This analysis accounts for the Luhya data, makes novel and accurate predictions, and carries over to a rarely discussed construction in Germanic.
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