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2.2.4. Irregular alternations

Finn. Seto Er. HMr MMr Ud. Hun. SMn SKh VKh Nga. Ka.
F/B 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 ? 2 0 0 0
R|T 0 1 ? 5
/o/ : /e/ (difference in rounding)
Hungarian F/B harmony
  /ɑː/ : /eː/, /o/ : /ɛ/ (difference in height), /ɒ/ : /ɛ/ (difference in rounding – which can be analyzed as phonetic, not phonological). Rounding harmony:  /ɛ/ : /ø/ (difference in height)
In addition to the fact that /u̯ɑ/, although it belongs to the rounded class of vowels, is phonetically unrounded, all of its actual alternations (and almost all of those of /u̯ɑ/) are non-potential, since they alternate with high vowels, and some of these alternations are monophthong : diphthong alternations (i : ɑ,  ɨ : ɑ, i : u̯ɑ,  ɨ : u̯ɑ, i̯ɑ : ɑ). 
2.inventories/2.2.counterparts/2.2.4.irregular_alternations.1627419653.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021-07-27 by