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2.2.5. Allophonic alternations

Finn. Seto Er. HMr MMr Ud. Hun. SMn SKh VKh Nga. Ka.
F/B 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ? 2 1 0 0
R|T 1 1 ? 0 1
Meadow Mari
Rounding and F/B harmony: As there is an [e] : [ø] : [o] alternation in word-final position, but instead of these a vowel [ə̆] is attested when it occurs in a non-word-final position, it is reasonable to analyze all these surface forms as the allophones of /ə̆/. Moreover, while stress falls on the last full vowel of the word form, vowels participating in the [e] : [ø] : [o] : [ə̆] alternation are never stressed, irrespective of their quality. As a consequence, it is reasonable to analyse this kind of alternation as an allophonic alternation of the phoneme /ə̆/ (regulated by two kinds of harmonies: rounding and F/B).
Southern Khanty
The vowels /i/ and /e/ have no B phonemic counterparts, but they alternate allophonically with [ɨ] and [ɘ], respectively. However, this alternation is optional, and back allophones can (and front allophones must) be followed by front vowels.
Kamas rounding harmony
Non-alternating due to F/B harmony non-initial syllable reduced vowels (which can be identified with first syllable /ĭ/ or /ɑ̆/, possibly both, see 2.1.), undergo total harmony after rounded vowels.
2.inventories/2.2.counterparts/2.2.5.allophonic_alternations.1628513962.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021-08-09 by László Fejes