OTDK 2023 (National Conference of Student Research Societies): KGRE, Budapest
SEAS honours at the conference
first place
Andl-Beck Boróka (supervisor: Timár Andrea) Unbridling the ‘Tamed Other’: Imagining ‘the Gypsy’ in Late Victorian Gothic Fiction (Humanities: English Literature)
second place
Khan Mubashara (Supervisor: Janczer Dóra) Haywood and Reeve: Oriental Female Archetype in the Occidental Literary Imagination (Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies II.)
Busi Dóra (Supervisor: Cseh Dániel) Conspiracy Theories and Populism: Analyzing the Trumpian Embrace of Conspiracy Narratives as a Political Instrument (History after 1945)
Süle Dóra (Supervisor: Jávor-Szelíd Veronika) The Conceptualization of Eating Disorders among Recovering Anorexics and Bulimics (Cognitive Linguistics and Pragmatics)
third place
Mohamad Ali Khalil (Supervisor: Starcevic Attila) Emphasis Spread and Depharyngealization in Lebanese Arabic (Applied Linguistics, Phonetics, Psycholinguistics)
OTDK special prize
Szabó Ákos (Supervisor: Szabó Éva Eszter) Latinos for Trump: How President Trump Gained Votes among Latinos from 2016 to 2020 (History after 1945)
Szolyka Éva Alina (Supervisor: Halápi Magdolna) Anxiety and language learning - strategies to cope with anxiety (Tanulás- és Tanításmódszertan Tudástechnológiai szekció)
Harangozó Lili Eszter (Supervisor: Divéki Rita) Using Literature in the EFL Classroom to Foster Social and Emotional Learning (Tanulás- és Tanításmódszertan Tudástechnológiai szekció)
certificate of attendance
Papp Júlia Eszter (Supervisor: Jávor-Szelid Veronika) The Concept of “History” in US Political News (Cognitive Linguistics and Pragmatics)
Kénosi Ivett (Supervisor: Vilmos Eszter Judit) A Room of Her Own, to Write Fiction: Female Authors’ Throes for Authorial Ownership in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies I.)
Kovács Fanni Orsolya (Supervisor: Hegyi Pál) From the Bonds of the Literary Father to Discovering the Authorial Voice: Analyzing Paul Auster’s Plays through the Legacy of Samuel Beckett (Literary Theory I.)
Ulnyrova Sofia (Supervisor: Dóczi Brigitta) Formulaic language use of advanced English learners in writing (Humanities)
Hídvégi Alexa Vrág (Supervisor: Albert Ágnes) Affective Aspects of English Language Learning Experiences (Tanulás- és Tanításmódszertan Tudástechnológiai szekció)
Szakács Eszter (Supervisor: Albert Ágnes) Teaching English to a dyslexic student: A case study (Tanulás- és Tanításmódszertan Tudástechnológiai szekció)