formal requirements for theses

Students must be able to demonstrate a high level of academic achievement in synthesising the knowledge acquired during their studies. They must also show that they have acquired the expertise in writing a longer piece of scientific work in the field of their choice. All this must be achieved using the appropriate methodological and stylistic apparatus required in an English academic setting.

BA theses

By my signature below, I certify that my ELTE B.A. thesis, entitled ~The title of your thesis comes here~, is entirely the result of my own work, and that no degree has previously been conferred upon me for this work. In my thesis I have cited all the sources (printed, electronic or oral) I have used faithfully and have always indicated their origin. The electronic version of my thesis (in PDF format) is a true representation (identical copy) of the printed version.
If this pledge is found to be false, I realize that I will be subject to penalties up to and including the forfeiture of the degree earned by my thesis.
Date: ~the date~     Signed: ~your signature~ (just write your name here)

MA theses