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antisemitic provocation in March 2013 and SEAS reactions

the events (2013-03-14)

SEAS reaction 1 (2013-03-17)

The School of English and American Studies wishes to impart the following declaration, apropos the appearance of anti-Semitic remarks on the office doors of some of our colleagues not so long ago.


The entire body of academic and administrative staff of the School of English and American Studies condemns wholeheartedly and without reservation the obnoxious racist attacks, executed under the cover of anonymity, aimed at some of our colleagues’ personal integrity in the schools of the Faculty. We condemn this attack as categorically as we do all other imaginable forms of discrimination (as worded in the School’s antidiscrimination policy).

SEAS reaction 2 (2013-03-26)

about/antisemitic_provocation.txt · last touched 2019-11-21 20:02 by Péter Szigetvári