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about [2023-10-27 15:34] – [voting members] PĂ©ter SzigetvĂĄriabout [2025-02-16 22:43] (current) – [nonvoting members] PĂ©ter SzigetvĂĄri
Line 18: Line 18:
-== antidiscrimination policy +== Standards of Ethical Conduct
- +
-Az ELTE BTK Angol-Amerikai IntĂ©zete elkötelezetten tĂĄmogatja a vĂ©lemĂ©nynyilvĂĄnĂ­tĂĄs szabadsĂĄgĂĄt valamint az emberi jogok Ă©s mĂ©ltĂłsĂĄg tiszteletben tartĂĄsĂĄt etnikai Ă©s szocio-kulturĂĄlis hĂĄttĂ©r, nem, vallĂĄs, szexuĂĄlis irĂĄnyultsĂĄg, fogyatĂ©kossĂĄg, politikai vagy mĂĄs vĂ©lemĂ©ny szerinti kĂŒlönbsĂ©gtĂ©tel nĂ©lkĂŒl. Mivel a sokszĂ­nƱsĂ©get Ă©s a tiszteletteljes kommunikĂĄciĂłt alapvetƑnek tartjuk, ugyanezt az elkötelezettsĂ©get vĂĄrjuk el az IntĂ©zet valamennyi egyetemi polgĂĄrĂĄtĂłl mindennapi Ă©s szakmai megnyilvĂĄnulĂĄsaikban.+
 The School of English and American Studies of the Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös LorĂĄnd University, is fully committed both to promoting freedom of expression and to respecting the rights and dignity of all people regardless of their ethnic or socio-cultural background, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and political or other beliefs. As we consider diversity and respectful communication essential, we expect the same commitment from all the students and staff of the School in their everyday and professional discourse and behaviour. The School of English and American Studies of the Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös LorĂĄnd University, is fully committed both to promoting freedom of expression and to respecting the rights and dignity of all people regardless of their ethnic or socio-cultural background, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and political or other beliefs. As we consider diversity and respectful communication essential, we expect the same commitment from all the students and staff of the School in their everyday and professional discourse and behaviour.
 +We strongly oppose and will not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct, recognising these behaviours as fundamentally incompatible with the standards and values of our community. In accordance with University policies, we ensure that all reports of such misconduct are taken seriously and addressed with appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff.
 +> Az ELTE BTK Angol-Amerikai IntĂ©zete elkötelezetten tĂĄmogatja a vĂ©lemĂ©nynyilvĂĄnĂ­tĂĄs szabadsĂĄgĂĄt valamint az emberi jogok Ă©s mĂ©ltĂłsĂĄg tiszteletben tartĂĄsĂĄt etnikai Ă©s szocio-kulturĂĄlis hĂĄttĂ©r, nem, vallĂĄs, szexuĂĄlis irĂĄnyultsĂĄg, fogyatĂ©kossĂĄg, politikai vagy mĂĄs vĂ©lemĂ©ny szerinti kĂŒlönbsĂ©gtĂ©tel nĂ©lkĂŒl. Mivel a sokszĂ­nƱsĂ©get Ă©s a tiszteletteljes kommunikĂĄciĂłt alapvetƑnek tartjuk, ugyanezt az elkötelezettsĂ©get vĂĄrjuk el az IntĂ©zet valamennyi egyetemi polgĂĄrĂĄtĂłl mindennapi Ă©s szakmai megnyilvĂĄnulĂĄsaikban.
 +> HatĂĄrozottan ellenezzĂŒk Ă©s visszautasĂ­tjuk a diszkriminĂĄciĂł, a zaklatĂĄs vagy a szexuĂĄlis visszaĂ©lĂ©s bĂĄrmely formĂĄjĂĄt, mivel ezek a magatartĂĄsformĂĄk alapvetƑen összeegyeztethetetlenek közössĂ©gĂŒnk normĂĄival Ă©s Ă©rtĂ©keivel. Az egyetemi irĂĄnyelvekkel összhangban az ilyen visszaĂ©lĂ©sekrƑl szĂłlĂł minden bejelentĂ©st komolyan veszĂŒnk Ă©s velĂŒk kapcsolatban megtesszĂŒk a megfelelƑ intĂ©zkedĂ©seket, hogy megvĂ©djĂŒk hallgatĂłink, oktatĂłink Ă©s munkatĂĄrsaink biztonsĂĄgĂĄt Ă©s jĂłllĂ©tĂ©t.
 accepted by the Institute Council on accepted by the Institute Council on
-[[about:minutes:2011-10-04|4 October 2011]]+[[about:minutes:2011-10-04|4 October 2011]], extended on [[about:minutes:2024-09-10|10 September 2024]]
 == management == management
   ; //director//   ; //director//
-  : JĂĄnos Kenyeres, director€ (R357) +  : JĂĄnos Kenyeres, director€ (R357) 
   ; //director of research//   ; //director of research//
-  : Vera Benczik, reasearch€seas3·elte·hu (R447)+  : Vera Benczik, reasearch€delg0·elte·hu (R447)
   ; //director of studies//   ; //director of studies//
-  : TĂ­mea Tiboldi, studies€seas3·elte·hu (R304)+  : TĂ­mea Tiboldi, studies€delg0·elte·hu (R358)
   ; //school secretary//   ; //school secretary//
-  : DĂĄniel Csehschoolsecretary€seas3·elte·hu (R439)+  : LĂĄszlĂł Katonaschoolsecretary€delg0·elte·hu (R455)
   ; //school Erasmus coordinator//   ; //school Erasmus coordinator//
-  : Anna PereszlĂ©nyi, erasmus€seas3·elte·hu (R444)+  : Anna PereszlĂ©nyi, erasmus€delg0·elte·hu (R444) <!--
   ; //technical manager//   ; //technical manager//
-  : ZoltĂĄn LĂ©nĂĄrt, lenart·zoltan€btk·elte·hu (R359)+  : ZoltĂĄn LĂ©nĂĄrt, lenart·zoltan€btk·elte·hu (R359) -->
   ; //administrator//   ; //administrator//
-  : Barbara Pappsecretary€seas3·elte·hu (R357) +  : Barbara, PĂĄlvölgyi, secretary€delg0·elte·hu (R357) 
 == documents == documents
Line 50: Line 54:
 == Institute Council == Institute Council
-The legislative body of the School of English and American Studies is the Institute Council.  The Council typically meets once a month in the term period, the date(s) of forthcoming meetings are available in the [[calendar#today|calendar]].  The [[about:minutes]] of meetings are published on the School's website.+The legislative body of the School of English and American Studies is the Institute Council.  The Council typically meets once a month in the term period, the dates of meetings are available in the [[calendar#today|calendar]].  The [[about:minutes]] of meetings are published on the School's website.
 === voting members === voting members
-* (1) the director: [[|Jånos Kenyeres]] +* (1) the director: [[|Jånos Kenyeres]] 
-* (2–6) the heads of departments: [[|Éva Eszter SzabĂł]] (DAS), [[|Zsolt KomĂĄromy]] (DES), [[|Éva IllĂ©s]] (DEAL), [[|ZoltĂĄn G. Kiss]] (DELG), [[|Krisztina KĂĄroly]] (DELP) +* (2–6) the heads of departments: [[|Éva Eszter SzabĂł]] (DAS), [[|Zsolt KomĂĄromy]] (DES), [[|Éva IllĂ©s]] (DEAL), [[|ZoltĂĄn G. Kiss]] (DELG), [[|Krisztina KĂĄroly]] (DELP) 
-* (7–9) teacher/researcher representatives:  [[|IldikĂł LĂĄzĂĄr]], [[|NĂłra NĂ©meth]], [[|Eszter Vilmos]] +* (7–9) teacher/researcher representatives:  [[|IldikĂł LĂĄzĂĄr]], [[|NĂłra NĂ©meth]], [[|Eszter Vilmos]] 
-* (10) nonteacher/nonresearcher representative: ZoltĂĄn LĂ©nĂĄrt+* (10) nonteacher/nonresearcher representative: <!-- ZoltĂĄn LĂ©nĂĄrt -->
 * (11) PhD student representative: — * (11) PhD student representative: —
 * (12–16) BA and MA student representatives: Lippai Dorka, BĂ©res Lili Zsuzsanna, Chudo Lili, IlyĂ©s DĂłra, Pallag SĂĄra * (12–16) BA and MA student representatives: Lippai Dorka, BĂ©res Lili Zsuzsanna, Chudo Lili, IlyĂ©s DĂłra, Pallag SĂĄra
Line 63: Line 67:
 === nonvoting members === nonvoting members
-* the director of research: [[|Vera Benczik]] +* the director of research: [[|Vera Benczik]] 
-* the director of studies: [[|TĂ­mea Tiboldi]]+* the director of studies: [[|TĂ­mea Tiboldi]]
 * the head of the Library: Zsuzsanna Kutasi * the head of the Library: Zsuzsanna Kutasi
-* the coordinator of international students [[|Nóra Németh]] +* the coordinator of international students [[|Nóra Németh]] 
-* the school secretary: [[|DĂĄniel Cseh]] +* the school secretary: [[|LĂĄszlĂł Katona]] <!-- 
-* the technical manager: (ZoltĂĄn LĂ©nĂĄrt)+* the technical manager: (ZoltĂĄn LĂ©nĂĄrt) -->
 * former director(s): — * former director(s): —
-* SEAS members of the Faculty Council: ([[|Éva IllĂ©s]])([[|NĂłra NĂ©meth]])+* SEAS members of the Faculty Council: ([[|Vera Benczik]], [[|NĂłra NĂ©meth]])
 == departments == departments
-* [[|Department of American Studies (DAS)]] ([[|admin]], [[|core staff]], [[|full staff list]]) +* [[|Department of American Studies (DAS)]] ([[|admin]], [[|core staff]], [[|full staff list]]) 
-* [[|Department of English Applied Linguistics (DEAL)]] ([[|admin]], [[|core staff]], [[|full staff list]]) +* [[|Department of English Applied Linguistics (DEAL)]] ([[|admin]], [[|core staff]], [[|full staff list]]) 
-* [[|Department of English Language Pedagogy (DELP)]] ([[|admin]], [[|core staff]], [[|full staff list]]) +* [[|Department of English Language Pedagogy (DELP)]] ([[|admin]], [[|core staff]], [[|full staff list]]) 
-* [[!delg|Department of English Linguistics (DELG)]] ([[|admin]], [[|core staff]], [[|full staff list]]) +* [[!delg|Department of English Linguistics (DELG)]] ([[|admin]], [[|core staff]], [[|full staff list]]) 
-* [[|Department of English Studies (DES)]] ([[|admin]], [[|core staff]], [[|full staff list]])+* [[|Department of English Studies (DES)]] ([[|admin]], [[|core staff]], [[|full staff list]])
 * [[|the SEAS Library]] * [[|the SEAS Library]]
 == statements == statements
 +  ; 2023-10-27
 +  : [[statements:adam_zoltan|solidarity with ZoltĂĄn ÁdĂĄm]]
   ; 2022-02-28   ; 2022-02-28
about.1698413685.txt.gz · last touched 2023-10-27 15:34 by Péter Szigetvåri