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Erasmus call 2025/2026
Accepted students will receive opportunity to:
- Study as an exchange student without paying any tuition fee at one of the partner universities within the European Union.
- Unordered List ItemComplete a professional internship at a university abroad, or at a for-profit or non-profit organization.
- Unordered List ItemComplete a professional internship after graduation at a university abroad, or at a for-profit or non-profit organization.
Who can apply?
- BA students: 1 completed term (in English studies) necessary at the time of submission;
- MA students (ANGD, AMED) and phasing-out students (TANM-ANG): 1 completed term (in English/American Studies) necessary;
- Those studying for an MA Teacher’s Degree (osztott és osztatlan): You can only apply if BTK is your home faculty.
- Unordered List ItemYou can apply for 3 places simultaneously, indicating your preference in your Application Form.
Where can you go?
From SEAS you can apply to the following universities (in brackets you can find the Erasmus code of the universities, the numbers after the coordinators’ names are the subject area codes (ISCED codes, google them) - both needed in the application form):
- Ankara(TR ANKARA24), Szabó Éva, 232, BA+MA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Bamberg(D BAMBERG01), Pereszlényi Anna, 230, BA+MA: 2, OTAK: no
- Barcelona(E BARCELO01), Wind Attila, 222, BA+MA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Berlin(D BERLIN13), Eitler Tamás, 222, BA+MA+PhD: 2, OTAK: yes
- Bilbao(Universidad del Pais Vasco)(E BILBAO01), Pereszlényi Anna, 230, BA:2, OTAK: no
- Bilbao(Universidad de Deusto)(E BILBAO02), Pereszlényi Anna, 222, BA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Bratislava(SK BRATISL02), Pereszlényi Anna, 023, BA: 2, MA: 2, PhD: 2, OTAK: yes
- Brno(CZ BRNO05), 114, BA+MA: 1, OTAK: yes
- Canakkale(TR CANAKKA01), Pereszlényi Anna, BA: B1 EN/TR, 0232, BA/MA: 2, OTAK: no
- Cyprus(CY NICOSIA01), Kenyeres János, 222, BA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Firenze(I FIRENZE01), Wind Attila, 232, BA+MA+PhD: 2
- Heidelberg(DE HEIDELB01), Kenyeres János, 222, BA+MA: 1, PhD: 1, OTAK: yes
- Helsinki(SF HELSINK01), Eitler Tamás, 0231, BA+MA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Isparta(TR ISPARTA01), Pereszlényi Anna, 222, BA+MA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Izmir(TR IZMIR01), Szabó Éva, 023/0114, BA+MA+PhD: 2, OTAK: yes
- Komarno(SK KOMARNO01), Pereszlényi Anna, 230/232, BA+MA: 4, OTAK: no
- Kongsberg(N KONGSBE01), Wind Attila, 222, BA: 1, MA: 1, OTAK: no
- Konin(PL KONIN02), 222, BA: 1, OTAK: no
- Konstanz(D KONSTAN01), Eitler Tamás, all, BA+MA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Košice(SK KOSICE02), Czigányik Zsolt, 220, BA: 2, MA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Leuven(B LEUVEN01), Timár Adrea, 222, BA+MA+PhD: 2, OTAK: no
- Lille(F LILLE 03), Szabó Éva, 023, BA+MA+PhD: 2, OTAK: yes
- Limerick(IRL LIMERIC01), 222, BA: 5, OTAK: yes (application for autumn term only!)
- Lisbon(P LISBOA03), Cseh Dániel, 222, BA+MA+PhD: 4, OTAK: yes
- Ljubljana(SI LJUBLJA01), Kenyeres János, 222, BA+MA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Łódź(PL LODZ01), Illés Éva, 222, BA+MA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Lublin(Jana Pawla II) (PL LUBLIN02), Pereszlényi Anna, 222, BA+MA+PhD: 4, OTAK: yes
- Madrid(E MADRID03), Eitler Tamás, 230,232, BA+MA+PhD: 6, OTAK: yes
- Marburg(D MARBURG01), Kenyeres János, BA/MA: C1 EN, 222, BA+MA: 1 in even year, 2 in odd year, OTAK: yes
- Munich(D MUNCHEN01), Wind Attila, BA/MA: B2 DE, 023, BA+MA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Naples(I NAPOLI02), Kenyeres János, 023, BA+MA:1, OTAK: yes
- Nice(F NICE01), Pereszlényi Anna, PhD: C1 EN, 220, PhD: 2, OTAK: no
- Osijek(HR OSIJEK01), Pereszlényi Anna, 220, BA: 2, MA: 2, PhD: 2, OTAK: yes
- Ostrava(CZ OSTRAVA02), Eitler Tamás, 023/222, BA+MA+PhD: 2, OTAK: yes
- Passau(D PASSAU01), Pereszlényi Anna, 023, BA+MA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Plzeň (CZ PLZEN01), Tartsayné Németh Nóra, 144/145/230, BA+MA: 2 for 5 months OTAK: yes
- Poitiers(F POITIER01), Eitler Tamás, 222, BA+MA+PhD: 2 for 4.5 months, OTAK: yes
- Prague(CZ PRAHA07), Pikli Natália, C1 EN, 222, BA+MA+PhD: 2, OTAK: yes
- Prešov(SK PRESOVO01), Pereszlényi Anna, 222, BA+MA: 1, OTAK: no
- Riga(LV RIGA01), Eitler Tamás, 023, BA: 2, OTAK: no
- Rome(I ROMA01), Cseh Dániel, 222, MA: 2, OTAK: yes
- Split(HR SPLIT01), Czigányik Zsolt, MA/PhD: C1 EN, 222, BA: 2, MA: 2, PhD: 2, OTAK: yes
- Thessaloniki(G THESSAL01), Czigányik Zsolt, 222, BA+MA: 3, OTAK: yes
- Tromsø(N TROMSO01), Eitler Tamás, 023, BA+MA+PhD: 1, OTAK: yes (only in spring term!)
- Utrecht(NL UTRECHT01), Eitler Tamás, MA: C1 EN, 222, BA+MA: 2, OTAK: no
- Zagreb(HR ZAGREB01), Wind Attila, MA: C1 EN, 220, BA: 2, MA: 2, OTAK: yes
Specific language requirements:
La Sapienza- Italian B1 NOVA Lisboa- Portuguese A2 Universitat De Barcelona - Spanish B1 Universidad Complutens de Madrid - Spanish B2 Philipps-Universität Marburg - English C1 Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet München - German B2 Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis - English C1 for PhD Universitá degli Studi di Roma-La Sapienza - Italian B1 University of Split - English C1 for MA, PhD Utrecht University - English C1 for MA University of Zagreb - English C1 for MA
Visit the websites of the universities to which you would like to apply and research the university as well as the courses they offer before making a decision. If you can, talk to students who have studied at the universities you are about to choose. Please note that studying abroad requires independence and self-reliance on the part of the students at the application stage too.