1) Modern angol irodalom
1.1 Képesbeszéd – Modern/posztmodern angol irodalom filmen.
1.2 „Amilyen időket élünk…” – Időszerű erkölcsi, társadalmi, kulturális és politikai kérdések az angol és késő modern irodalom reprezentatív alkotásaiban.
1.3 Hagyomány és újítás: Törekvések az irodalmi kifejezésmódok megújítására a késő-modern angol irodalomban.
1.4 Korszerű kulturális stratégiák: A populáris kultúra és az irodalom
1.5 Az angol nyelvű irodalom szerepe a mai magyar kulturális életben (irodalom, színház, film, média, oktatás stb.)
Bradbury, M. (1993). The modern British novel. London: Penguin Books.
Corrigan, T. (2000). Film and literature: An introduction and a reader. Prentice Hall.
Ford, B. (ed.). (1983). The new Pelican guide to English literature. Vols 7-8.Harmondsworth.
Kellner, D. (1995). Media culture: Cultural studies, identity and politics between the modern and the postmodern. Ebingdon: Routlege.
Stevenson, R. (1992). Modernist fiction: An introduction. New York.
2) Országismeret
2.1 Important themes in cultural studies in English speaking cultures
2.2. Britishness and Englishness: geography, identity and culture
2.3 The effect of American values on people, society and communication style
2.4 The evolution of Australian attitudes to Aborigines, the British and immigrants
2.5 Social issues related to majority and minority cultures in Canada
2.6 The intercultural speaker and intercultural competence
Aitkin, D. (2005). What is it all for? The reshaping of Australia. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin. Chapter 8. Who are we and what are we becoming? (pp. 213–234).
Althen, G. (2005). American values and assumptions. In P. S. Gardner (Ed), New directions (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. (Chapter 1, pp. 5–13).
Barrett, M., Byram, M., Lázár, I., Mompoint-Gaillard, P. and Philippou, S. (2014). Developing intercultural competence through education. Pestalozzi Series No. 3. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Chapter 1: What is intercultural competence? (pp.13–17). Also available at: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/education/pestalozzi/Source/Documentation/Pestalozzi3.pdf
Cardinal, H. (1992). A Canadian – what the hell it’s all about. In D. D. Moses & T. Goldie (eds.), An anthology of Canadian native literature in English (pp. 188–194). Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Flood, J. (2006).The original Australians – Story of the Aboriginal people. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin. Chapter 8. Resilience. (pp. 234–264).
Fox, K. (2004) Watching the English. London: Hodder. (pp. 176–207).
Gastil, R.D. (1990). Cultural regions of America. In L. S. Luetke. (ed.), Making America: The society and culture of the United States. Washington, D.C.: United States Information Agency. (pp. 121–132).
Kelly, J. (1990). We are all in the Ojibway circle. In M. Ondaatje (ed.), The Faber book of contemporary Canadian short stories (pp. 579–590). London/Boston: Faber and Faber.
Kuffert, L. (2003). A commentary on some aspects of Canadian culture. In Pryke, Kenneth G., and Soderlund, Walter C., (Eds.), Profiles of Canada (3rd ed.). Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press. (pp. 97–115).
Moran, P. (2001). Teaching culture: Perspectives in practice. Boston: Heinle & Heinle. (Chapter 3: pp 23–32)
O’Driscoll, J. (1995). Britain: The country and its people: an introduction for learners of English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (pp. 31–40).
Singer, A. (2008). Twenty-first century gateways: An introduction. In A. Singer, S. Hardwick & C, Brettell (eds.) Twenty-First century gateways: Immigrant incorporation in suburban America. Brookings Institution Press. (pp. 3–10).
Williams, R. (1983). Keywords — A vocabulary of culture and society. London: Flamingo. (‘Culture’: pp. 87–93)
3) Mondattan
3.1 The simple sentence
3.2 The complex sentence
3.3 Subordinate clauses
3.4 Complementation of verbs and adjectives
3.5 The noun phrase
Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., & Svartvik, J. (1985). A comprehensive grammar of the English language. London: Longman. (Megfelelő fejezetek)
Lásd fent, kiegészítve a következőkkel:
4) Alkalmazott nyelvészet
4.1 Second language acquisition
4.2 Discourse analysis
4.3 Psycholinguistics
4.4 Sociolinguistics
4.5 Pragmatics
4.6 Corpus linguistics
Schmitt, N. (Ed.). (2002). An Introduction to applied linguistics. London, England: Hodder Arnold. (Megfelelő fejezetek)