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the Outstanding Thesis Award

Every summer SEAS selects a small number of theses submitted in that academic year (an autumn and a subsequent spring term), which are deemed worthy of special attention. The authors of these theses are distinguished by the Outstanding Thesis Award.

If their author approves, outstanding theses are published in overSEAS since 2010.

winners in 2024

Zsombor Zoltán Béres, Causativity and the Size of the Verb Phrase, BA thesis, supervisor: Krisztina Szécsényi

Vargha Csenge, The Posthuman in Jean Rhys’s Novels: Colonialism, Landscape and Inanimation, MA thesis, supervisor: Kata Gyuris

Dương Lê Hải, Improving Teenage Vietnamese Learners’ Attitudes towards Learning English, ELI MA thesis, supervisor: Uwe Pohl

Lili Harangozó, Using Literature in the EFL Classroom to Foster Social and Emotional Learning, OTAK thesis, supervisor: Divéki Rita

Sharma Kartikey, Reading Haider: Exploring the Filmic Language of Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Kashmir, BA thesis, supervisor: Annamária Fábián

Réka Kökény, Overcoming Adolescent Powerlessness: The Narratological Function of Primrose Everdeen’s Death in The Hunger Games Trilogy, MA thesis, supervisor: Vera Benczik

Loretta Lestár, Blessing or curse: The representation of the Convict Era in Kate Grenville’s The Secret River, MA thesis, supervisor: Cecilia Gall

Tima Ziad Maree, “Voices Unveiled”: A Discourse Analysis of the Stories Shared by Arab Women Within the MeToo Movement, MA thesis, supervisor: Nóra Wünsch-Nagy

Viktória Pesti, Singular They: Agreement and Concord, BA thesis, supervisor: Marcel den Dikken

Zsófia Tóth, A Comparative Analysis of Different Representations of Jo March in Little Women, BA thesis, supervisor: Eszter Vilmos

Sofia Ulnyrova, The Relevance of Using Formulaic Language for English Language Learners, BA thesis, supervisor: Brigitta Dóczi

Boglárka Warta, Examining ESP Methodology in Two Hungarian University Contexts, OTAK thesis, supervisor: Jamil Toptsi

winners in 2023

Anna Ábel, An Analysis of the Relationship Between Hungarian Secondary Grammar School Teachers’ Oral Error Correction Practices and their Belief Systems, OTAK thesis, supervisor: Brigitta Dóczi

Boróka Andl-Beck, Imagining ‘the Gypsy’ in Nineteenth-Century English Literature, MA thesis, supervisor: Andrea Timár

András Basa-Tamás, The Dynamics of Gender Roles in the Plays of William Inge, MA thesis, supervisor: Pál Hegyi

Lilla Bohanek, Investigating Secondary School Students’ Perceptions on Movement Integration in the EFL Classroom, OTAK thesis, supervisor: Beatrix Price

Anita Botos, Ideology and Party Cohesion in the Democratic Party: The New Wave of Progressives, BA thesis, supervisor: Éva Eszter Szabó

Tikhon Gostiukhin, Error Detection in Reading in English: An Eye-Tracking Investigation, MA thesis, supervisor: Ágnes Albert

Eszter Mária Gál, The Massacre of the Indigenous Australians – The Genocide Debate, BA thesis, supervisor: Cecilia Gall

Kata Hlavács, The Characterisation of Educational Context in Second Language Learning Motivation, BA thesis, supervisor: Katalin Wein

Mohamad Ali Khalil, On the Morphosyntax of Lebanese Arabic: Form II, Its Manifestations and Functions, MA thesis, supervisor: Marcel den Dikken

Mubashara Khan, Haywood and Reeve: Oriental Female Archetype in the Occidental Literary Imagination, BA thesis, supervisor: Zsolt Bojti

Fanni Orsolya Kovács, From the Bonds of the Literary Father to Discovering the Authorial Voice: Analyzing Paul Auster’s Plays through the Legacy of Samuel Beckett, BA thesis, supervisor: Pál Hegyi

Petra Szabó, The Effect of Story-Based Teaching in the Second Language Classroom, OTAK thesis, supervisor: Francis J. Prescott-Pickup

winners in 2022

Alexandra Berecz, The Reality of Illusion and the Illusion of Reality in Waiting for Godot and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, BA thesis, supervisor: Márta Hargitai

Dominika Zsófia Gerber, Doublets in English of French Origin, BA thesis, supervisor: Attila Starčević

Zita Kiss-Szabó, Classroom Management: Encouraging Student Engagement and Cooperation, OTAK thesis, supervisor: Uwe Pohl

Panna Kovács, The Positive Effects of Bilingualism on the Communicative and Linguistic Competence and Cognitive Development of 3-to-10-Year-Old Children, BA thesis, supervisor: Judit Szitó

Annamária Molnár, Fostering Cultural Empathy and Self-Reflection in the Language Classroom, OTAK thesis, supervisor: Andrea Gabrielle Thürmer

Lilian Rácz, Music and the Modernist Novel: Forster, Joyce, Woolf, MA thesis, supervisor: Eglantina Remport

Ferenc Réder, Words to Be: On the Poetic Language of Robert Creeley, BA thesis, supervisor: Enikő Bollobás

Júlia Somody, Secondary School English Teachers’ Views and Practices of Learner Autonomy in the Hungarian Context, MA thesis, supervisor: Ágnes Albert

Márta Inez K. Szabó, African American Women and the Struggle for Civil Rights: Gender and Class During the Civil Rights Movement, BA thesis, supervisor: Dániel Cseh

Fanni Vad, The Effects of Obligatory Distance Teaching on EFL Teachers’ Use of ICT Tools, OTAK thesis, supervisor: Francis J. Prescott

winners in 2021

Orsolya Albert, The Fantastic and the Feminine Sublime of Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, BA thesis, supervisor: Katalin Szlukovényi

Noémi Dremmel, Benefits of Lexical Phrases in English Language Learning, BA thesis, supervisor: Brigitta Dóczi

Katalin Gay, Bringing Global Issues into the English Classroom through Storytelling, MEd thesis, supervisor: Rita Divéki

Tamás András Halm, Truncated Clauses in English and in Hungarian: Virtual Performatives in English — The Outlines of a Syntactic Analysis, BA thesis, supervisor: Marcel den Dikken

Jákob János Horváth, The Background of an American–Hungarian Political Game: The Return of the Holy Crown of St. Stephen, MA thesis, supervisor: Tibor Frank

Ákos Hunyadi, The Effects of Racial Politics on the 2020 American Presidential Election , BA thesis, supervisor: Réka Fehér

Hamza Khan, The Representation of Aboriginal Women in Australian Cinema, BA thesis, supervisor: Cecilia Gall

Fanni Kondorosi, Learners’ and Teachers’ Views on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Being an Introvert in Second Language Acquisition: An Interview Study in a Hungarian Secondary School Context, MEd thesis, supervisor: Csaba Kálmán

Dóra Sápi, Lost Childhood: The Traumatic Experiences of Child Migrants in Australia and Their Search for Identity, MA thesis, supervisor: Cecilia Gall

Luca Mária Szikora, Voicing Assimilation in English and in Voicing Languages: A Comparison of English and Hungarian, BA thesis, supervisor: Zoltán G. Kiss

Kata Woynárovich, An Interview Study on Language Learning Motivation: The Case of English and Other Languages, MA thesis, supervisor: Kata Csizér

winners in 2020

Sanaa El Alaoui, Long Takes and Continuity in the Narrative of Filmic Language, BA thesis, supervisor: Miklós Lojkó

Virág Dancsó, The Hungarian Secondary School Student’s Difficulties When Learning English as a Global Language, MA thesis, supervisor: Francis J. Prescott

Afaf Hamada, The Representation of Australian Aboriginal Women in Selected Works by Non-Aboriginal Authors, MA thesis, supervisor: Cecilia Gall

Róbert Tamás Hauer, Realpolitik in America: Foreign Affairs by Henry Kissinger between 1969 and 1973, BA thesis, supervisor: William Hoversen

Péter Ittzés, American Philosophy in the Music of Charles Ives, BA thesis, supervisor: Amy Nicole Soto

Loretta Anna Jungbauer, Representation of Death in Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine the Great, Parts One and Two, MA thesis, supervisor: Marcell Gellért

Berta Eszter Kaposi, Analyses of Stops After /s/ in English, BA thesis, supervisor: Zoltán G. Kiss

Emese Kertész, Dyslexic Language Learners in Hungarian School Education, MA thesis, supervisor: Enikő Öveges

Petra Kovács, How Native Language Phonology Affects L2 Speech Perception?, BA thesis, supervisor: Ágnes Albert

István Mátyás Mihályi, Aboriginal Land Rights in Australia, BA thesis, supervisor: Cecilia Gall

Boglárka Spissich, How Does Watching Films in English Relate to Secondary School Students’ Listening Comprehension Skills and Oral Task Performance?, MA thesis, supervisor: Ágnes Albert

winners in 2019

Ramóna Bene, Cooperation in the EFL Classroom, MA thesis, supervisor: Margit Szesztay

Flóra Anna Hegyi, Comparing Comparatives: Differences and Similarities of Comparative Constructions in English and Hungarian, BA thesis, supervisor: Krisztina Szécsényi

Máté Péter Kandikó, The Role of Feedback in the Development of Academic Writing Skills of L2 Students in Online Courses, BA thesis, supervisor: Nóra Németh Tartsayné

Sára Kákonyi, Alleviating Anxiety, MA thesis, supervisor: Éva Szabó

Zsófia Panna Papp, Military Veterans in United States Society, BA thesis, supervisor: Réka Fehér

Laura Seben, The Comparison of American and Hungarian Cultures Based on Hofstede’s Model and the Accounts of Americans Living in Hungary , BA thesis, supervisor: Ildikó Lázár

Imola Dalma Terbócs, Multicultural London: Migrant Identitites in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth and Andrea Levy’s Small Island, MA thesis, supervisor: Judit Friedrich

Boglárka Fanni Tóth, The Syntax of English News Headlines: A Truncation Approach, BA thesis, supervisor: Marcel den Dikken

Luxi Xu, The Features of Modernism in Dystopian Films, BA thesis, supervisor: Zsolt Czigányik

Anna Zólyomi, The Role of Explicit and Implicit Learning Processes and Language Aptitude in the Success of Foreign Language Acquisition, MA thesis, supervisor: Ágnes Albert

winners in 2018

Nikolett Józsika, An Unlikely Public Idol: Bernard Spilsbury and the Derailment of Criminal Justice 1910–1947, BA thesis, supervisor: Miklós Lojkó

Sergei Kuzeev, “They Don’t Represent Us”: Visual Activism in the Contemporary U.S., MA thesis, supervisor: Zsófia Bán

Nóra Pethő, The Merchant of Venice from a Legal Point of View, MA thesis, supervisor: Géza Kállay/Márta Hargitai

Alexandra Pék, The Use of Podcasts for Language Development, MA thesis, supervisor: Éva Szabó

Mónika Riesenberger, Representation of Aboriginal Identity in the Works of Jack Davis, MA thesis, supervisor: Cecília Gall

Veronika Szarka, The Influence of U.S. Foreign Policy on Korean Immigration to the United States, BA thesis, supervisor: Éva Eszter Szabó

Jamil Toptsi, The Impact of Digital Media Use on the L2 Motivational Self System, MA thesis, supervisor: Kata Csizér

Kitti Udvardy, Konglish: English Incorporated into Korean, BA thesis, supervisor: Andrea Thurmer

Balázs Ziaja, The Process of Language Acquisition and Attrition in Child and Adult Learners, BA thesis, supervisor: Ágnes Albert

winners in 2017

Szonja Dávid, Game of Feminism: The Portrayal of Women in the Game of Thrones, BA thesis, supervisor: Hegyi Pál

Gergő Fekete, Fostering a Global Mindset in the English Classroom: A Case Study Using the Film “Girl Rising”, MA thesis, supervisor: Szesztay Margit

Szilvia Janik, Situation-specific Influences on L2 Learners’ Willingness to Communicate, BA thesis, supervisor: Piniel Katalin

Janka Kovács, “Ye are underlings, underlings, and must be obedient”: The Representations of Disorderly Women in Elizabethan and Jacobean Popular Literature, MA thesis, supervisor: Pikli Natália

Dorottya Márton, In Search of a 19th Century Utopia: Comparing Bellamy and Morris, BA thesis, supervisor: Farkas Ákos

Kinga Nagy, Education Policy in Australia: The Gonski Report, BA thesis, supervisor: Gall Cecília

Dávid Papp, High School Students’ Attitudes toward Lifelong Language Learning, MA thesis, supervisor: Öveges Enikő

Gergely Stemmer, A Comparative Analysis of Summary Teaching Methods, BA thesis, supervisor: Tankó Gyula

Bence Szrogh, US–Colombian Relations and the War on Drugs, BA thesis, supervisor: Szabó Éva Eszter

Eszter Törék, Time, the Fair Youth, and the Poet: The Question of Eternality in the Sonnets of William Shakespeare, BA thesis, supervisor: Csikós Dóra

winners in 2016

Nóra Beregi, Informal Ways of Autonomous English Language Development in the Hungarian Context, BA thesis, supervisor: Zsolt Király

Alexandra Bihari, The Legacy of E. H. Carr and his Twenty Years’ Crisis in International Relations, BA thesis, supervisor: Miklós Lojkó

Fruzsina Fónagy, Women in Sports and the Treatment of Female Athletes in the United States of America, MA thesis, supervisor: Stanley A. Ward

Kitti Horváth, The Impact of Colonisation on Australian Aboriginal Languages, BA thesis, supervisor: Cecília Gall

Dominika Káli, The Predicitve Value of Proficiency Testing, BA thesis, supervisor: Gergely Dávid

Mátyás Bence Lagos Cortes, Complementisers in the English Language: The Distribution of the CP Projection, BA thesis, supervisor: Mark Newson

Ádám Lajtai, Analyzing B2 Language Exam Reading Subtests, MA thesis, supervisor: Brigitta Dóczi

Loránd Papp, Investigating Advanced Learners’ Language Anxiety Using an Idiodynamic Approach, MA thesis, supervisor: Katalin Piniel

Péter Simon, The Influence of Far Right and Libertarian Politics on US Economy, BA thesis, supervisor: Stanley A. Ward

Dóra Szirtes, The Benefits of Developing Summarisation Skills, BA thesis, supervisor: Gyula Tankó

Csilla Tatár, A Semantic Analysis of English Cataphoric Constructions, MA thesis, supervisor: Péter Mekis

Noémi Zimonyi, Legislation on the Theatres in Elizabethan London, MA thesis, supervisor: Andrea Velich

winners in 2015

Noémi Csuka, New Conceptions of Canadian Values: Changing Immigration Policy (2008–2015), BA thesis, supervisor: János Kenyeres

Fanni Fekete-Nagy, Hidden Narratives in Medbh McGuckian’s Poetry, BA thesis, supervisor: Eglantina Remport

Beáta Gubacsi, Sun Goddesses: The Representation of the Female Artist in A. S. Byatt’s Novels, MA thesis, supervisor: Judit Friedrich

Ildikó Hoffer, One-to-one Teaching and Learning in Practice: How/Why to Adapt Materials and Tasks to Students’ Needs and Learning Styles, MA thesis, supervisor: Magdolna Kimmel

Ágota Konyicska-Székely, Deaf Students Learning English as a Foreign Language in Europe: An Overview, BA thesis, supervisor: Edit Kontra

Izabella Menczer, Focus, Definiteness and Relative Clauses in There-sentences, BA thesis, supervisor: Mark Newson

Anna Málnási Csizmadia, Why English? English as a Foreign Language for Students with Special Needs, BA thesis, supervisor: Ágnes Enyedi

Kornél Mihály Szabó, The Role of the United States Behind the Change of Regime in the Soviet Union, MA thesis, supervisor: Éva Eszter Szabó

Tünde Szalay, L Darkening in Morpheme-Final Environments: All ’ell Breaking Loose, MA thesis, supervisor: Zoltán Kiss

Dalma Szentpály, Coming of Age As a Woman in a Contemporary American Young Adult Adaptation of a Grimms’ Tale: “Speech-gifts,” Storytelling, and Gender in Shannon Hale’s Young Adult Novelization of the Grimms’ “The Goose-Girl”, MA thesis, supervisor: Enikő Bollobás

Ágota Szűcs, The Summary Writing Processes of First Year EFL Learner BA Students, MA thesis, supervisor: Gyula Tankó

Zsombor Apród Váczi, Group Learning vs. One-to-one Learning: Students in the Spotlight, BA thesis, supervisor: Magdolna Kimmel

winners in 2014

Ákos Csernák, The Bilingual Aphasia (BAT) system: Its use and future directions, BA thesis, supervisor: Illés Éva

Ádám Gyarmati, The strange case of Schwa the Intruder and Schwa the Outcast: Schwa epenthesis and schwa elision in English and Dutch, BA thesis, supervisor: Ádám Nádasdy

Barbara Koskó, “With a Faery, Hand in Hand”: The Appearance of Fairies and Folklore in Victorian Literature, BA thesis, supervisor: Dóra Csikós

Janka Kovács, “What art thou, thou idle ceremony?” The Funeral Representation of Elizabeth I (1558–1603), BA thesis, supervisor: Andrea Velich

Márton Kucsera, English restrictive relative clauses in Optimality Theory, MA thesis, supervisor: Marianna Hordós

Zsolt Mártha, Project Tableau — Project in the Secondary Classroom, BEd thesis, supervisor: Magdolna Kimmel

András Páli, The representation of Australia’s war-time contribution on screen and in fiction, MA thesis, supervisor: Cecilia Gall

Dávid Pápai, Resisting Normative Power: Foucault, Herculine Barbin and Counter-Memory, MA thesis, supervisor: Andrea Timár

Júlia Sipos, Victimized women in Toni Morrison’s fiction: Overcoming the victim mentality in “Paradise”, BA thesis, supervisor: Vera Benczik

Tamás István Soproni, Pacific Solution: The most controversial immigration policy of the 2000s, MA thesis, supervisor: Cecilia Gall

Orsolya Sudár, Places of Identity: Reading sites of trauma in New York between the 1880s and the 1930s, MA thesis, supervisor: Zsófia Bán

Renáta Szenes, The translation of culture-related expressions in news discourse: a comparative analysis of corpus-based research, BA thesis, supervisor: Krisztina Károly

Anna Talhammer, The role of Information and Communication Technologies in language acquisition, BA thesis, supervisor: Magdolna Kimmel

Anne Teravainen, Motivation, self-regulation and autonomous learning behaviour in an EFL context, MA thesis, supervisor: Katalin Wein Csizér

Dóra Vecsernyés, “We’re a narrative animal, aren’t we?”: Remembrance in the Fiction of Julian Barnes, MA thesis, supervisor: Judit Friedrich

winners in 2013

Éva Viktória Apáti Nagy, Medical Practice in Early Modern England: Surgery in the 16th and 17th Centuries, MA thesis, supervisor: Andrea Velich

Ágnes Benkő, The Role of Markedness in Phonological Theory, MA thesis, supervisor: Miklós Törkenczy

Zsuzsanna Czifra, Ethics and Narrative in Doris Lessing’s The Grass is Singing, MA thesis, supervisor: Andrea Timár

Gergő Fekete, First Language Attrition in Bilingual Speakers: The Influence of Non-linguistic Factors, BA thesis, supervisor: Ágnes Albert

Zsófia Gregor, Multicultural Archetypes: The Intersection of Cultures in Louise Erdrich’s Love Medicine, MA thesis, supervisor: Enikő Bollobás

Beáta Gubacsi, William Blake’s Influence on Salman Rushdie’s Novel The Satanic Verses, BA thesis, supervisor: Judit Friedrich

Veronika Hegedűs, The Uncanny in Faulkner’s Southern Gothic: An Analysis of The Sound and the Fury, BA thesis, supervisor: Éva Federmayer

Márton Jánosy, Pre-L Breaking in English: Dark-L Influence on the Preceding Vowel, BA thesis, supervisor: Ádám Nádasdy

Evelyn Kardos, Metaphorical Thought in Culture and Translation: A Comparative Analysis of English and Hungarian, BA thesis, supervisor: Krisztina Károly

Emese Kolozsvári, Negative Effects of the L2 German on the Acquisition of English as L3, MA thesis, supervisor: Christopher Ryan

Berbadett Molics, The effects of L2 on L1 in bilingual highschools, BA thesis, supervisor: Christopher Ryan

Simon Ness, The Relationship between Motivation, Self-efficacy and Foreign Language Anxiety: An Investigation of Non-native English Teachers, MA thesis, supervisor: Kata Csizér

Magdolna Pongor, Cultural Differences between the English and the French: The Discrepancy of Values as Reflected in Everyday Life, BA thesis, supervisor: Magdolna Halápi

Christine Sáfián, Native American Experience and the Development of the United States: The Causes of Population Decline, MA thesis, supervisor: Éva Eszter Szabó

Csilla Tatár, A Posteriori Fall: Representations of the Fall in Blake’s Songs, BA thesis, supervisor: Zsolt Komáromy

winners in 2012

Júlia Bosnyák, Task complexity and narrative writing performance: The effect of proficiency, MA thesis, supervisor: Ágnes Albert

Dávid Katona, Nonlinearity in Dead-Tree Literature, MA thesis, supervisor: Judit Friedrich

Dorottya Kiss, Britain in the 1970s through the work of Pink Floyd, BA thesis, supervisor: Ágnes Enyedi

Márton Kucsera, Participial Constructions in English, BA thesis, supervisor: Marianna Hordós

Tamás Káldi, A Comparative Analysis of the Information Structure of Hungarian and English Sentences, MA thesis, supervisor: Lajos Marosán

Eszter Lendvai, Francis Bacon’s Theory of Matter, MA thesis, supervisor: Andrea Velich

Lívia Marián, The Megachurch Phenomenon in the American Society: The Marketing of Religion in the United States, MA thesis, supervisor: Ryan James

András Szuromi, Tudor Economic Problems: The Price Revolution of the 16th Century, BA thesis, supervisor: Andrea Velich

winners in 2011

Orsolya Aporfi, Common Problems of the Integration of Technology into the English Language Classroom in Secondary School, BA thesis, supervisor: Mark Andrews

Réka Dorottya Fehér, Lobbyists’ Role in Lawmark, BA thesis, supervisor: Stanley Ward

Anna Kőszeghy, How Can We Know the Dancer from the Dance? The Solitary Fascism of William Butler Yeats, MA thesis, supervisor: Ferencz Győző

Júlia Laki, Renaissance Metaphors of the Body: The Verbal Construction of Marginal Bodily States in William Shakespeare’s The Rape of Lucrece and John Donne’s Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, BA thesis, supervisor: Csikós Dóra

Mária Manninger, Typical Hungarian Mistakes in the Pronunciation of English Vowels: Mispronunciation Caused by the Different Vowel Inventories and Rules in the Two Languages, BA thesis, supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós

Judit Molnár, The Importance of Motivation in Language Learning: A Study on the Motivational Profiles of High-Achieving Students, BA thesis, supervisor: Zsolt Király

Dóra Takács, Foreign Language Anxiety and the Process of Becoming an English Teacher: A Qualitative Study, MA thesis, supervisor: Brózik-Piniel Katalin

Zsófia Varga, In Defence of Universal Grammar: A Synthesis of Results from First and Second Language Acquisition Studies, BA thesis, supervisor: Tamási J. Gergely

Janina Vesztergom, “And I Choose Never to Stoop”: Focalisation and Diegesis in Robert Browning’s Complementary Dramatic Monologues, MA thesis, supervisor: Csikós Dóra

winners in 2010

Gergely Péter Dorozsmai, A Deconstructive Reading of Iris Murdoch’s Narrative Fiction (Interpretation from the Viewpoint of Narratology and Deconstruction), MA thesis, supervisor: Géza Kállay

Judit Jankó-Brezovay, The Making of a Hero: Ned Kelly and Jesse James, MA thesis, supervisor: Cecilia Gall

Andrea Juranovszky, The Carnivalesque in Anne Rice’s Fiction: Carnivalesque Elements and Characters in Interview with the Vampire, MA thesis, supervisor: Éva Federmayer

László Kajtár, Huxley’s Eyeless in Gaza: The Role of Time and Narrative in the Depiction of Personality, BA thesis, supervisor: Ákos Farkas

Csilla Kisfaludi, The Relevance of Female Politicians in the last U.S. Presidential Elections: Gender vs. Political Ideology, BA thesis, supervisor: Magdolna Kimmel

Luca Lídia Kovács, Hassidism and the Holocaust: Intersecting Narratives of Memory in Elie Wiesel’s Fictions, BA thesis, supervisor: Enikő Bollobás

Emese Lipécz, The English Ditransitive Construction in Different Theoretical Frameworks, BA thesis, supervisor: Marosán Lajos

Emese Pozdena, Foreign Business Presentations through the Eyes of Business People, MA thesis, supervisor: Rachel Appleby

Andrea Schremm, Controversial Issues around the Critical Period Hypothesis, BA thesis, supervisor: Adrienn Menyhárt

Mátyás Szabó, The Impact of Post-World-War-II Immigration on Australian Legislation, BA thesis, supervisor: Dorottya Holló

winners in 2009

Vivien Boronyák, American Radical Theater in the Sixties: Its Sociopolitical Circumstances and Theatrical Traditions, MA thesis, supervisor: Enikő Bollobás

Péter Koncz, The Motif of Quest in the Four Works of the Pearl-Manuscript: Quest and Discovery in Pearl, MA thesis, supervisor: Katalin Halácsy

Attila Mráz, Narrative and Ethics: The Role and Place of Moral Perception in Reading Narrative Fiction in Martha C. Nussbaum’s Love’s Knowledge, MA thesis, supervisor: Judit Friedrich

Veronika Murár, Coping with Foreign Language Anxiety, MA thesis, supervisor: Katalin Brózik-Piniel

Márta Mátrai, Language Use of Children in Bilingual Families, MA thesis, supervisor: Ágnes Enyedi

Beatrix Price, The Formative Years in EFL Teaching: Movement Accompanied Language-Learning, MA thesis, supervisor: Margit Szesztay

Márton Sóskuthy, Why R? An Alternative Look at Intrusive-R in English, MA thesis, supervisor: Ádám Nádasdy

winners in 2008

Ágota Baráth, “Do you mean me?” Self-Representation in Jean Rhys’ Writings, MA thesis, supervisor: Szalay Krisztina

Zsófia Gyarmathy, The Palatal Contrast Within the Framework of Phonetically-Based Phonology, MA thesis, supervisor: Bárkányi Zsuzsanna

Zsuzsanna Horváth, The Hungarian and English Reception of the 21st-century Booker Prize Winner Novels, MA thesis, supervisor: Friedrich Judit

Enikő Strider, Contrastive Analysis of Expert Feedback on Student Writing as Perceived by EFL Teachers and Students, MA thesis, supervisor: Tankó Gyula

Pál Sárik, Factors of Motivation in Adult Education, MA thesis, supervisor: Ryan Christopher

winners in 2007

Orsolya Jánosházi, Second Language Acquisition and Group Dynamics: An Empirical Investigation, MA thesis, supervisor: Csizér Kata

Beatrix Kalocsai, Instructions in the English Language Class, MA thesis, supervisor: Dávid Gergely

Vili Oskari Maunula, Case Marking, Agreement and Word Order, MA thesis, supervisor: Mark Newson

Katalin Szalay, The Importance of the Frontier in Shaping American Democracy Between 1803–1860, MA thesis, supervisor: Magyarics Tamás

Márta Vajnági, Great Britain and the Habsburg Monarchy in the Eighteenth Century: Imperial Election, 1745, MA thesis, supervisor: Kontler László

winners in 2006

Beatrix Balogh, Island or Mainland — The Puerto Rico Paradox, MA thesis, supervisor: Frank Tibor

Csilla Buzás, A Grave New World: The Comparative Analysis of Two Dystopian Novels by Huxley and Orwell, BA thesis, supervisor:

Éva Katalin Dékány, The English Cleft Construction, MA thesis, supervisor: Bartos Huba

Anna Frenyó, The Mechanisms of Memory in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Fiction, MA thesis, supervisor: Friedrich Judit

Gabriella Jenei, The Contribution of Reference and Co-reference to Cohesion, MA thesis, supervisor: Károly Krisztina

Ágnes Lapos, Motivating Teenagers by Attractive Activities, BA thesis, supervisor: Szesztay Margit

Victoria Maria Nagy, One Leader and His Movement: Jeff Kennett and the Resurgence of the State of Victoria in Australia, MA thesis, supervisor: Lojkó Miklós

Brigitta Palotásné Tornyai, Raising a Child Bilingually, BA thesis, supervisor: Uwe Pohl

winners in 2005

Ágnes Fellner, Blake and the Bible:The Concept of Good and Evil Mirrored in the Figures of Satan and the Devils as Seen by William Blake Compared to their Representations in the Bible, MA thesis, supervisor: Kenyeres János

Gabriella Éva Guth, Towards Authority as a Beginner Teacher, BA thesis, supervisor: Christopher Ryan

Bálint Gárdos, Byron and Tradition: Pope and Byron’s Reinstatement in Romanticism, MA thesis, supervisor: Péter Ágnes

András Imrényi, Interrogative and Negative Inversion in English and Hungarian from the Perspective of Optimality Theory, MA thesis, supervisor: Mark Newson

Sarolta Kőrösmezei, Postmodern Elements in the Enderby-Tetralogy, BA thesis, supervisor: Farkas Ákos

Anna Risbjerg, Dealing with the Problems of False Friends in the Classroom, BA thesis, supervisor: Varga György

Ágnes Sarkadi, Dyslexia and Achieving Success in Studying English as a Foreign Language, MA thesis, supervisor: Kormos Judit

Renáta Schiffrich, Motivating Students through Game-like Activities, BA thesis, supervisor: Uwe Pohl

Péter Sándor, (Beach)heading: From Dieppe to Normandy: U.S. and Canadian War Efforts in Europe, MA thesis, supervisor: Frank Tibor

winners in 2004

Orsolya Barabás, Critical discourse analysis of British news programs: Language and ideology, MA thesis, supervisor: Reményi Andrea

Éva Gyetvai, The aesthetics of self-reliance in Toni Morrison’s novel, Sula, MA thesis, supervisor: Bollobás Enikő

Katalin Juhász, The author as his own translator: Nabokov’s Lolita in English and Russian, MA thesis, supervisor: Géher István

Erika Konya, Catering for individual differences in learners, BA thesis, supervisor: Magyarics Péter

Mária Molnár, Endeavors of American and Hungarian legislature to fight racial discrimination, BA thesis, supervisor: Molnár Miklós

Gizella Nagy, WH-questions in Optimality Theory, MA thesis, supervisor: Newson, Mark

Judit Szász, Critic and artist: A reappraisal of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, MA thesis, supervisor: Sarbu Aladár

Ibolya Taylorné Szakáll, Classroom management, BA thesis, supervisor: Pohl, Uwe

winners in 2003

Vera Angyal, Drama Techniques in Communicative Language Teaching: The Use of Role-Plays in Developing Classroom Dynamics, BA thesis, supervisor: Sillár Barbara

Anita Brkanić, Croatian Immigration to the USA: The Bond Between Two Homelands, MA thesis, supervisor: Magyarics Tamás

Zsuzsa Kertész, Stratifying the Lexicon, MA thesis, supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós

Dorottya Mária Kárpáti, Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Deaf Learners, MA thesis, supervisor: Kontra Edit

Borbála Németh, Linton Kwesi Johnson: The “Revolutionary” Poet. His Works and Accomplishments in the Field of Carribean-British Poetry, MA thesis, supervisor: Ferencz Győző

Eszter Ormos, Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Dyslexic Children, MA thesis, supervisor: Kormos Judit

Eszter Rostás, A Drama Project: Creating a Christmas Preformance in a Secondary English Classroom, BEd thesis, supervisor: Walkó Zsuzsa

Judit Szakács, Education of Minorities in Australia and in Hungary, MA thesis, supervisor: Gall Cecília

winners in 2002

Márta Abrusán, Interfaces of Syntax, MA thesis, supervisor: É. Kiss Katalin

Boglárka Hegedűs, Applying an Achievement Test in the English Language Class, BEd thesis, supervisor: Dávid Gergely

Esztella Kolosa, Group Dynamics — Trying to Improve the Relationships in a Secondary Language Classroom, BEd thesis, supervisor: Christopher Ryan

László Munteán, The Metamorphosis of the Symbol: The Physics of Space in Charles Olson’s Early Poetry, MA thesis, supervisor: Bollobás Enikő

Veronika Ruttkay, Samuel Taylor Coleridges Lectures on Hamlet, MA thesis, supervisor: Péter Ágnes

Andrea Timár, Withdrawal Symptoms in Coleridge’s Poetry and Prose: A Comparative Analysis of Effusion XXXV and Biographia Literaria, MA thesis, supervisor: Péter Ágnes

Andrea Vona, The Reasons for and the Effects of the Use of the Mother Tongue among Elementary Learners of English, MA thesis, supervisor: Holló Dorottya

winners in 2001

Henrik Tamás Csepreghy, A Psychoanalytic Approach to Shakespeare: Macbeth through Lacan, MA thesis, supervisor: Kállay Géza

Zsuzsanna Czikai, The Potential of Project Work: Making a Class Magazine with Elementary Students of English, BEd thesis, supervisor: Uwe Pohl

Andrea Kirchknopf, A Comparative Analisys of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights and Heinrich von Kleist’s Der Findling, MA thesis, supervisor: Péter Ágnes

Gabriella László, A Revolution of Thought or Classical Theories “Recycled”?, MA thesis, supervisor: Magyarics Tamás

Gergely Lukácsi, Following Up on the Consequences of the Mental Representation of Linguistic Information on Human Language Production, MA thesis, supervisor: Kormos Judit

Rita Nobik Nagy, Face and Mask in Eugene O’Neill’s Selected Plays, MA thesis, supervisor: Egri Péter

Anna Sebestyén, Role-plays with Blind and Partially-Sighted Students: Developing Fluency, MA thesis, supervisor: Miklósy Katalin

Attila Starčević, Syllable-Initial Consonant Clusters in English and Croatian: A Melodic View on Laryngeal and Floating Elements, MA thesis, supervisor: Szigetvári Péter

winners in 2000

Gábor Berczeli, British Power and Policy Making in the Gold Coast of West Africa: The Origins nad Rise of Informal Empire, MA thesis, supervisor: Máthé László

Szilvia Csábi, The War of Independence: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach, MA thesis, supervisor: Kövecses Zoltán

Tamás Eitler, Tendencies in Late Old English and Middle English Syntax, MA thesis, supervisor: Farkas Judit

Tünde Pukyné Hegedűs, Pictorial Parables of Literary Inspiration: W. H. Hunt’s Moral Pictures Based on Literature, MA thesis, supervisor: Péteri Éva

Júlia Romhányi, The Role of Language Transfer in Learning Hungarian as a Second Language: The Case of English and Finnish Learners of Hungarian, MA thesis, supervisor: Kormos Judit

Tünde Varga, Deconstruction, Literary Theory and Practice: The Notion of Irony in Paul de Man’s Literary Theory, MA thesis, supervisor: Federmayer Éva

Gyöngyi Veller, Plays for Ireland: Artistic Methods for Presenting the Troubles in Northern Ireland in Stewart Parker’s Plays, MA thesis, supervisor: Mesterházi Márton

Eszter Veszelinov, Working in Small Groups in a Class of 15-year-old Intermediate Students, BEd thesis, supervisor: Medgyes Péter

winners in 1999

Attila Ármos, Developing Speaking Skills: Factors Influencing Success in a Secondary School Context, BEd thesis, supervisor: Szesztay Margit

Bernadett Czárl, The Situation of Students on the Periphery of Pairwork, MA thesis, supervisor: Németh Nóra

Péter Dolmányos, Present Buried in the Past: The Bog Poems of Seamus Heaney, MA thesis, supervisor: Ferencz Győző

Eszter Klatsmányi, Efficient Methods for the Teaching of Written Translation, MA thesis, supervisor: Károly Krisztina

Anna Kürti, Phonotactic Constraints and Vowel–Zero Alternations in English, MA thesis, supervisor: Törkenczy Miklós

Bálint Török, The Role and Position of the IRA in the Northern Irish Troubles, MA thesis, supervisor: Mark Andrews

Gabriella Varga, The Struggle for Identity in Afro-American Literature, MA thesis, supervisor: Federmayer Éva

winners in 1998

Szilvia Barta, Anticipations of the Theatre of the Absurd in W. B. Yeats’s plays, MA thesis, supervisor: Sarbu Aladár

Csaba Kertész-Farkas, Developing Cultural Awareness in ELT at Elementary Level, BEd thesis, supervisor: Dávid Gergely

Andrea Révész, Subject Positions in English, MA thesis, supervisor: Bartos Huba

Katalin Serény, Teaching Language and Culture with Comparative and Contrastive Methods, MA thesis, supervisor: Holló Dorottya

Ágnes Szakolczai, Place and the Self: Expatriation in Christina Stead’s For Love Alone and Jessica Anderson’s Tirra Lirra by the River, MA thesis, supervisor: Jakabfi Anna

winners in 1997 (partial list)

Csaba Csides, The Special Status of /r/ in RP, MA thesis, supervisor: Ádám Nádasdy

Szabolcs Gollob, The Low Vowels in the English Language, MA thesis, supervisor: Ádám Nádasdy

research/theses/outstanding.1718973663.txt.gz · last touched 2024-06-21 14:41 by Péter Szigetvári