Department of English Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest » publications


The Even Yearbook
The Odd Yearbook


old MA 1994–2011
BA 2009– (in the theses database)
MA 2011– (in the theses database)
PhD dissertations


70 Snippets to Mark Ádám Nádasdy’s 70th Birthday (2017)
VLlxx: Papers presented to László Varga on his 70th birthday (2013)

staff publications lists

Irina Burukina
Marcel den Dikken
Zoltán G. Kiss
Péter A. Lázár
Ádám Nádasdy, Modern Talking &c
Mark Newson
Péter Őri
Attila Starcevic
Krisztina Szécsényi
Péter Szigetvári,
Miklós Törkenczy, more exhaustive list
Nathaniel Jacob Torres
László Varga