The Even Yearbook 4 (2000)


volume: 4 (2000)
pages: 179–193
author: Nóra Wenszky
title: Halle’s recent views on primary word stress
abstract: This article examines the rule-system generating primary word stress, which was presented in Halle (1998) The Stress of English Words 1968–1998. After a short introduction and the clarification of some basic concepts, the rules are presented and tested on words that exhibit typical stress patterns. Halle’s treatment of CVC syllables is found to be ambiguous and the large number of exceptions might question that edge-marking is the default case. The article investigates the possibility that the lack of edge-marking is the norm and finds that the system is not improved by this change considerably. It is pointed out, however, that the number of exceptions can be reduced by encoding syntactic information into the rules.
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