The Even Yearbook 11 (2014)


volume: 11 (2014)
author: Ágnes Benkő
title: Vacillating stems in Hungarian
keywords: Hungarian vowel harmony, neutral vowels, variation, vacillation
abstract: Variation in the vowel harmony pattern of Hungarian is often caused by neutral vowels. Stems which contain a back vowel followed by a neutral vowel may have stable back or front suffix preference or they may take both front and back suffixes. The choice of the suffix allomorph of vacillating stems may be influenced by the broader context in which they appear. The present paper compares the behaviour of vacillating and non-vacillating stems and shows that not only vacillating stems, but also non-vacillating stems with strong back or front suffix preference may be influenced by a broader context. The results suggest that a unified treatment of vacillating and non-vacillating stems of the same structure is possible.
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